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Solutions for
railway applications

Since the beginning of 2000s, Exail’s Inertial Navigation Systems (INS) have been largely used by many railway companies for tracks mapping and data georeferencing. ​Thanks to its navigation know-how, Exail offers now, a simple real-time, railway standards compliant, performant and cost-efficient localization solution. Our high-performance Atlans R7 INS directly answers this need. It provides undisrupted data, in all environment including where GNSS signals are disturbed or non-existent. Exail promotes also largely, by its own high-grade works and engineering activities within industrial groups, an ERTMS safe and precise embedded localization system.

Robust localization within GNSS-denied environments

In normal situations, Atlans R7 works in tandem with a GNSS system to provide enriched positioning and georeferencing data. However, it still functions alone, when the GNSS signal is unavailable or disturbed. For instance: when passing through tunnels, woods, urban canyons…

Atlans R7 provides position, speed and attitudes of the train. Directly connected via Ethernet link or 4G/LTE antenna, Atlans R7 provides in real time the precise train data to all consumers as passengers on-board and on station, as driver when connected to its aiding-driving tools and as fleet manager on station for traffic optimization.

Exail schema rail

Atlans R7

INS for train localization

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Best-in-class performance

Atlans R7 is based on FOG (Fiber-Optic Gyroscope) technology. It is the result of more than 30 years of research and development and is today considered to be the best gyroscope in the world: its performance is deemed genuinely unlimited. Atlans R7 is the compact and cost-efficient Exail inertial solution for Rail localization able to guarantee the utmost geolocalisation performance during a long GNSS-free. Atlans R7 initialization does not require any train movement thanks to the Exail FOG triad gyrocompassing capability.

Exail gamme advans r7

Atlans R7

Sampling rate

Up to 200 Hz

Along track accuracy (in high density urban environment, whith SBAS GNSS outages over 20 mn)

Position : < 5 m
Speed : < 0.05 m/s, fully compliant to Subset-041 regardless of speed
Attitude : Heading 0.03 | Roll&Pitch 0.015

Rack dimensions according to F61-005

3U x 21T x 320 mm

Overall dimensions

132.6 mm height x 483 mm width x 399 mm depth

Power Supply

24 Vdc to 110 Vdc

Applicable standards

EN 50155-2017 Railway applications – Rolling stock – Electronic equipment IEC 60571-2012 Railway applications – Electronic equipment used on rolling stock

Communication interfaces


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Highly durable solution

INS based on Solid-State FOG Technology and reliable railway components

Fiber-Optic Gyroscopes are truly solid-state passive systems. Indeed, the FOG technology does not involve any movement of mechanical parts causing dithers, vibrations, frictions and resulting in parts’ weariness and noise. This ensures many benefits for the user: robustness of the system (Power-on and Forget), cost-effectiveness and the lowest cost- of-ownership on the market.

Extensive trackrecord

Atlans R7 is based on the Atlans A7 INS. The latter is already used by several clients in the civil engineering field. More broadly, the FOG technology on which Atlans R7 is based equips all of our INS and have been proven on the field for a wide variety of applications (maritime, autonomy, defense…). Last but not least, Exail has an extensive history in the rail domain, with Atlans R7 being used as a reference. It is embedded on french railway network (TGV and RER).

Full spectrum of rail applications


The use of cameras and lidars for network mapping or lasers for measuring the track geometry increased exponentially with rail operators. With these new technologies, the need for accurate and reliable positioning and georeferencing of captures images and data arose.​ Atlans A7 and Atlans R7 directly answer to this need. ​Moreover, their native ability to provide undisrupted georeferencing position, speed and attitude is a key advantage for 2D network mapping.​

Train localization

Inertial Exail solutions reply to the real challenge the train localisation providing an undisrupted system localization even during long-term navigation without GNSS (case of urban environment or “white” zone) thanks to its embedded train vehicule model and its innovative inertial virtual balises.​

Another key advantage of Exail localisation is the gyro-compassing capability which not requires any train movement for initialization.​ ​The navigation data fusion expertise of Exail has extensively supported many customer trials as reference.

Key partner of the ERTMS project

Exail is the project leader of LOC4RAIL ERTMS program for a safe and precise localisation solution. The disrupted and innovative safe architecture led by inertial technology proposed by Exail benefits directly to European operators and can be quickly proposed to the ERTMS market.​

The embedded solution does not involve any complex on-board equipments as radar-dopper or external optical sensors but a simple calculator with the latest Exail IMUs based on virtual inertial balises coupling with the digital map. The scalability and the modularity of this architecture fit totally with RCA (Reference CCS Architecture) or OCORA (Open CCS On board Reference Architecture) specified by ERTMS Group.

Powerful and user-friendly post processing software

Unleash the potential of Atlans R7 by using our Delph INS post-processing software. This powerful analytics tool benefits from an easy-to-use interface. It is ready to process both Exail sensors’ data and third party’s.

Exail ressources a powerful post processing suite