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ECA Group delivers the 10th assembly station to AIRBUS to face ramp-up A320neo production

1756 800 270 new structure of assembling stations saint nazaire airbus plant to meet a320neo production ramp up target 1

Following a contract signed in 2015, to supply a new assembly line for A320 front sections in Saint-Nazaire plant, ECA Group Aerospace just delivered the latest in a series of ten assembly stations to AIRBUS St-Nazaire to keep up with the increase of the A320neo production. Moreover both teams - ECA Group and AIRBUS - managed to deliver this last assembly station ahead of the contractual schedule.

Through this major project (production ramp-up for the A320neo), whose purpose was to modify current production lines, the Aerospace Division of ECA Group demonstrated, using its experience and knowledge of AIRBUS aircraft programs, its capacity to manage large-scale industrial projects, to meet technical as well as organizational challenges.

One of the main challenges and key issues of this project was to perform the integration of these new assembly lines within the existing flow - but without disturbing it. This performance is the result of the good cooperative work between AIRBUS and ECA Group teams.

Thanks to these brand new stations, AIRBUS teams will, over the next few weeks, rampup production of the A320neo aircrafts from the rate of 46 to more than 50 per month, via a new distribution of tasks, by now fulfilled on three stations instead of two, on each of the four assembly lines.