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ECA Group launches at OI 2016 its new release of data processing solution for collected data by AUV or USV - Triton Survey Suite

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Triton Survey-Suite, the ECA Group Post Mission Analysis application for unmanned underwater vehicles:  AUVs. An essential tool for every AUV operator. Visit ECA Group's booth A200 at Oceanology International 2016 and discover how to program your AUV mission, how to efficiently process your AUV acquired data. Triton Survey-Suite increases its panel of sensor processing and its synergy with ECA systems. The big change is the integration of new type of sensors: the video for georeferenced images!

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Faster and easier mission planning for autonomous underwater and surface vehicles: AUV & USV

Triton Survey-Suite increase his synergy with ECA systems. Mission planning of the AUV or even of an USV can be analyzed and modified directly inside the Map Viewer. This function permits a quickly AUV mission planning with enhanced environmental knowledge. No waypoint or coordinates needed, the truth is on the map!

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For the new 2016 release, the ECA Group data processing software Triton Survey-Suite is now available in Russian and Chinese languages and characters.

Additional language packs will be quickly developed in order to satisfy our customers in any part of the world!

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