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Extension of the contract for ECA Group's Simulation System Mistral 4000 with the Nautical Institute

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The Nautical school Carnaro is an ECA Group customer since the early 2000s, when the school has purchased the first simulation system Mistral 4000 and periodically there is the need to update the system according to STCW regulation in order to maintain the high quality level of its training programme.

ECA Group upgrades the existing naval simulation training equipment with inew features like AIS, GMDSS radio station, ECDIS and new external view theatre of about 120° HFV and the expansion with two additional workstations ship in the virtual bridge configuration allowing greater flexibility of teaching.

In order to ensure more realistic environment training, each trainee station is equipped with a desktop maneuvering console completely designed and produced by ECA Group, for control of speed and course of the vessel through realistic commands.

These consoles are named ShipSim granting to the trainee the benefit of maneuvering the virtual ship models using a real maneuvering station, designed as a replica of real consoles installed onboard of merchant vessels.

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