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The installation works of ECA Group Damage Control Simulator have started

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This simulator is composed by a total of 6 watertight compartments built on 3 levels plus the bilge. Two of these compartments can simulate the Engine rooms.

DCS has a lot of advantages such as deliver a strong training to prevent critical damages but also to develop the skills’ team for the reparation of various damages.

The hull is designed in order to resemble the interior of modern warships, thus equipped with steel plates, frames, pipes, fittings, mock-up engines and mock-up auxiliaries, useful to the trainees to train in a realistic environment.  System is also composed by a moving platform and all the hydraulic components.

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The work includes also the building, recently all the civil works have been performed in order to prepare the ground to host the DCS with full load, water reservoirs, drainage pump, room, electric works, plumbing and water connection works, equipment installation and all necessary works related to system incorporation and satisfactory operation of the Damage Control Simulator (DCS).

Within the next months a boarding for the shipment of shed will be arranged , with materials that will be used for completion of assembly of the simulator.

Once the installation has finished, the next step for the DCS project, will be the on-site acceptance tests.