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NEWS EURONAVAL 2016: ECA Group presents Silicon Carbide (SiC) cutting-edge technology contributions

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Power electronics is taking a significant place in various and demanding markets, such as power distribution, railway, automotive, but also in naval markets. Energy management is one of the major issues for a submarine or a surface vessel. Power electronics plays a key role in propulsion systems, weapon system, and motor drives for pumps.

Over the last 5 years, wide band-gap materials such as Silicon Carbide (SiC) have been subjected to intense research in power electronics. This has led to the commercialization of SiC components from the beginning of the 21st century. These new devices offer an unique combination of exceptional physical properties.

2103 595 321 eca group sic wafer under testSiC Wafer under test

By gathering this state-of-the-art technology and its long experience in power electronics, ECA Group proposes a new range of static converters with unequaled performances.

2104 368 435 eca group static converter embedded on board submarine integrating sic modulesEca Group Static converter embedded on board submarine integrating SiC modules

In naval embedded systems, drivers and technical and economic concerns are focused on:

  • Size reduction
  • Weight reduction
  • Efficiency improvement
  • Cost saving

ECA Group takes a new step towards SiC converters and selected this innovation as new technology to address these drivers.

Over the last years, ECA Group leads several Research and Development works to identify and measure using SiC positive impacts on power converters on board submarines.

2105 800 227 eca group sic physical properties towards impact on systems

SiC physical properties towards impact on systems

ECA Group provides static converters with enhanced performances. These performances will impact the submarine architecture and design where a real "watt hunting" is taking place.

The system efficiency improvement enable either to improve submarine autonomy or to reduce the source. That means that less batteries are needed, what allows a weight reduction and a cost saving.

The losses reduction impacts the cooling system which is simplified. It offers available space, allows an easier handling, less maintenance and better reliability.

Embedded solution in naval markets takes an interest in the SiC high voltage. This opens new perspectives in electrical architecture particularly on a high voltage DC bus. Furthermore, a thought is possible to reduce the cables section and to perform the associated cost saving.

One of the most important features on power electronics solution onboard submarine is the acoustic level. The SiC technology allow a higher switching frequency which will be located in the non-audible bandwidth. This means that solution integrating SiC will be less detectable by enemies’ sonars.

ECA Group is pioneer in mastering this new technology and develops an innovative static converters range for the next naval programs.

ECA Group range of static converters

The SiC technological breakthrough is considered as a durable benefit which is progressively replacing Si components.

ECA Group, as a recognized actor in power electronics is considering the SiC technology as the 21st century technology.

The benefits for submarine applications are very huge as far as compacity, weight, acoustic level concerns.

This cutting edge technology will have a major place in the vessels and submarines next generation.

ECA Group will present this innovation during Euronaval 2016 from 17th October to 21th October 2016 on ECA Group booth: H73-F70.

Learn how this new technology can improve the power electronics solutions performances onboard submarines and attend the dedicated conference on