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SWARMs early trial : ECA Group 's A9 AUV successfully demonstrates the efficency of its interferometric side-looking sonar

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During the early trials of the SWARMS project, ECA Group deployed its A9 AUV equipped with interferometric side-looking sonar (phase differencing bathymetric sonar) in a shallow water environment (13-20m water depth).

This sonar has increased area coverage by close to 200% over more conventional multibeam echo sounders in shallow water. Repeat pass surveys were conducted, under different headings, to assess the repeatability of the bathymetric and in fine the accuracy.

A mockup target of a chemical pollutant was also deployed and successfully detected by the ECA Group Autonomous Underwater Vehicle AUV A9-E. These detections were handed over to inspection ROVs of other partners in the project for detailed inspection using forward-looking sonar and optical sensors (including stereovision). A large data set was collected in support of the research objectives of the project which include real-time quality assessment of the bathymetric data using a quality factor provided by the sonar manufacturer and map matching for improved navigation and change detection.

The Autonomous Underwater Vehicle A9-E deployed during SWARMS early trials

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Interferometric Sonar data post processed using Perspective Software

Creation of Bathy profile from A9-E mission data

ECA Group also received a secial Mention for Best SWARMER Chef

Learn more about SWARMs project