Exail header subsea imagery


With only 24% of the ocean floor being mapped with a submetric resolution, the ocean’s seabed is Earth’s last frontier. Mapping the seafloor, protecting marine habitats, hunting for wrecks, studying underwater geo-hazards…Those are challenges for the years to come.
It is to help in that field, that Exail has developed a large range of sensors designed to address the full spectrum of subsea imagery applications, from sub-bottom profiling and seabed mapping to water column monitoring.

A subsea imagery solution for every application

Exail schemas scientific oceanography

DriX Uncrewed Surface Vehicle (USV)

DriX can conduct both remote-controlled and supervised autonomous operations and offers outstanding seakeeping and speed capabilities. Versatile and efficient it can host a wide range of payloads and offers optimum conditions for high quality data acquisition in both shallow and deep waters.

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SeapiX-R 3D Multibeam Echosounder

SeapiX-R is an advanced 3D Multibeam Echosounder solution that delivers unique capabilities for environmental survey.

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Oceano Series of Acoustic Releases

Highly robust and reliable, the Oceano Series can deploy and retrieve payloads from 200 kg to 10,000 kg ensuring the safe and long-endurance operation of all your subsea instrumented structures, from coastal to ultra-deep offshore environments.

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FlipiX Remotely Operated Towed Vehicle (ROTV)

FlipiX is operated autonomously and enhances uncrewed survey capabilities. Deployed from Unmanned Surface Vessels (USVs) or traditional vessels, it enables autonomous bathymetry, geophysics and UXO operations in a single run. Leveraging best-in class motion control and a reduced operational footprint, FlipiX is a unique conveyance platform for Side Scan Sonars (SSS) and Magnetometers.

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DriX Uncrewed Surface Vehicle (USV)

DriX can conduct both remote-controlled and supervised autonomous operations and offers outstanding seakeeping and speed capabilities. Versatile and efficient it can host a wide range of payloads and offers optimum conditions for high quality data acquisition in both shallow and deep waters.

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Echoes Series Sub-bottom Profilers

The Echoes Series is a complete solution to acquire, process and interpret high-quality geological data thanks to its integration with the provided Delph Seismic software.

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Sams Series Synthetic Aperture and Mapping Sonars

The Sams Series of Synthetic Aperture and Mapping Sonars offers a unique seabed mapping solution. Based on the interferometric SAS sonar technology, it allows for simultaneous real-time imaging and high-resolution bathymetric mapping of the seabed.

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Inertial Navigation for Surface Operations

Exail offers a complete range of Fiber-Optic Gyroscope (FOG)-based Attitude and Heading Reference Systems (AHRS) and Inertial Navigation Systems (INS) dedicated to maritime surface applications. Highly reliable and performant, Exail systems provide extremely robust navigation information in environments that experience long-term GNSS outages.

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Delph Geo Geophysical Software

Delph Geo is an open and complete software solution that offers Seismic, Sonar and magnetometer modules that cover all survey needs from data acquisition to processing and data interpretation

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Gaps Series USBL systems

The Gaps Series offers unrivaled horizontal tracking capabilities and unmatched accuracy from extremely shallow water depths to 4,000 meters. Providing accuracy and reliability, they are perfectly suited to work-class ROV surveys, AUV missions, diver tracking, or critical dynamic positioning operations.

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Canopus LBL transponder

Providing highly performant subsea positioning and monitoring capabilities down to 6,000m, the Canopus transponder offers advanced LBL/sparse LBL capabilities.

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Exail schemas scientific oceanography

Synthetic Aperture Sonars

Exail Sams Series is the next generation of Synthetic Aperture Sonars (SAS) that offer outstanding range and resolution for subsea operations in the most demanding conditions. The combination of positioning, navigation and real-time SAS processing technologies offers optimal imaging performance in terms of swath, resolution, image quality, coverage rate and absolute pixel positioning accuracy.

Exail ressources synthetic aperture sonar
Exail ressources sub bottom profiler

Sub-Bottom Profilers

Echoes sub-bottom profilers deliver high-resolution images of geological structures and sediment layers. They are versatile sonars applicable across various domains, including offshore exploration, environmental monitoring, marine & lacustrine geosciences, and archaeological studies. With a focus on cutting-edge technology and reliability, Exail Echoes Series provides users with a robust and effective solution for comprehensive underwater investigations.

Forward Looking Sonars

Exail has developed a range of scalable 3D multi-beam Forward Looking Sonars that are particularly suited for obstacle avoidance, real-time seabed mapping and rapid environmental assessment (REA) applications.

Offering obstacle detection from the seabed to the surface, the SeapiX-FLS Series offer unmatched situational awareness for increased safety of navigation.

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Exail ressources 3d multibeam echosounder for research

3D Multibeam Echosounder for Research

Exail SeapiX-R sonar is a game-changer for biomass monitoring, that revolutionizes our ability to understand and sustainably manage marine ecosystems. With its ability to provide accurate, spatially detailed, and efficient data collection for a high-water volume, the SeapiX-R 3D Multibeam Echosounder contributes to informed resource management and environmental impact assessments.

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Geophysical Software Suite

Exail has developed a complete software suite covering all survey needs from data acquisition to processing and data interpretation. Interfacing with most industry leading sensors and data formats, the Delph Geo Software suite offers seismic, sonar and magnetometer modules and benefits from years of on-the-field return on experience.

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