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3D Multibeam
sonar for

Biomass monitoring and fishery research


  • 120° x 120° angular aperture (256 beams per swath)
  • 150 kHz / 10kHz bandwith
  • 3D structure and shoal morphological characteristics
  • User friendly In-situ calibration protocol on standard targets (tungsten sphere)
  • Backscattering strength measurement (BS) and bathymetry (IHO special order)
  • Easy to deploy (pole, hull, USV, offshore structure mounted)
Exail produit seapix fls 5

Highly accurate biomass monitoring

High-resolution imaging

Thanks to its steerable symmetric Mills Cross array operating at 150 kHz, SeapiX-R enables the mapping of two- and three-dimensional biomass distributions using spiral and straight-line transect patterns. This cutting-edge MBES provides high-quality water column and seabed images in both athwartship and fore-and-aft directions. Its steering capability in transmit and receive modes allows for a wide volume coverage of 120° × 120° under the platform, with a 1.6° × 1.6° beam aperture on the antenna axis. Thanks to its capability to be calibrated in situ, the SeapiX-R data is compatible with historical single-beam echosounder time serie.

Exail schema double fauchee

High-volumetric scanning capabilities

With a scanning range of -60 to +60 degrees, the SeapiX-R 3D multibeam echosounder offers highly volumetric scanning capabilities. A crucial feature for assessing biomass distribution in three dimensions. Able to simultaneously capture data from multiple directions, SeapiX-R provides comprehensive coverage of the surveyed area, enhancing biomass monitoring efficiency and accuracy. Especially when integrated as a fixed platform.

Easy to deploy and operate

A modular sonar

The SeapiX-R is a versatile sonar that can be integrated onto various platforms, including research vessels, unmanned surface vehicles (USVs), and fixed structures such as buoys and floating wind turbines. The portable version of the SeapiX (lighter than 30kg) enables surveys on opportunity boat with a pole mounted configuration.

This versatility allows operators to conduct biomass monitoring surveys in a wide range of marine environments, from shallow coastal waters to deep ocean regions.

Exail schema a modular sonar

Seapix-R can also be operated as side looking sonar, providing a unique capability to assess near surface biomass and/or near bottom biomass in very shollow waters. It provides unparallel coverage of 120° azimut from surface to bottom, with split beam measurement.

A user-friendly interface

The SeapiX-R features a user-friendly interface, making it intuitive and easy to operate for researchers and marine professionals. Offering acoustic swaths, echograms, global biomass analyzer outputs and seabed bathymetry data display, it streamlines data collection and analysis workflows, further enhancing operational efficiency.

Real-time data processing

Equipped with advanced signal processing capabilities, the SeapiX-R can process and analyze data in real-time. This allows operators to obtain immediate insights into underwater environments and to analyse biomass data as it is collected, facilitating efficient and timely decision-making and data interpretation.

Robust and reliable

Built to withstand harsh marine conditions, the SeapiX-R is rugged and durable, ensuring reliable performance in challenging environments such as offshore windfarm sites. Its robust construction and advanced engineering also make it suitable for long-term deployment in various marine research projects.


    • Ecological Impact assessment
    • Long-Term Monitoring for Offshore Renewable Structure
    • Biomass assessment
    • Fisheries research