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iXblue officially presents Astrix NS performances at ASS GNC conference

Astrix ns

iXblue was at the annual Rocky Mountain AAS Guidance, Navigation and Control conference in Breckenridge to present Astrix NS, the newcomer in the Astrix family.

This new FOG-based gyroscope arises from the needs of the new compact satellite platforms for small, light, low-power, and cost-efficient equipment.

Astrix NS specifications: 100 x 100 x 100 mm, 1.4 kg and 7 W.

It is qualified for a large range of missions, including the demanding GEO 15 years + electric orbit rising. Its performances, such as an ARW at 5m°/√h or 2.5m°/√h, a scale factor life stability at 200 ppm and a bias stability at 0.02°/h, allow Astrix NS to be used in a large range of missions: telecommunication, Earth observation and scientific missions.

During this conference, we presented the architecture of the product, its inertial performances, the qualification environment and EEE parts selection and qualification process.

Learn more about iXblue’s inertial navigation solutions for space