iXblue was at the annual Rocky Mountain AAS Guidance, Navigation and Control conference in Breckenridge to present Astrix NS, the newcomer in the Astrix family.
This new FOG-based gyroscope arises from the needs of the new compact satellite platforms for small, light, low-power, and cost-efficient equipment.
Astrix NS specifications: 100 x 100 x 100 mm, 1.4 kg and 7 W.
It is qualified for a large range of missions, including the demanding GEO 15 years + electric orbit rising. Its performances, such as an ARW at 5m°/√h or 2.5m°/√h, a scale factor life stability at 200 ppm and a bias stability at 0.02°/h, allow Astrix NS to be used in a large range of missions: telecommunication, Earth observation and scientific missions.
During this conference, we presented the architecture of the product, its inertial performances, the qualification environment and EEE parts selection and qualification process.