In accordance with our principles and values, as explained in our Declaration on Ethics and Compliance, Exail is committed to implementing the highest ethical standards and to complying without exception with all laws and regulations to which we are subject.
As a company or employee of the Exail Group, ethics and compliance must always be at the forefront of our behavior, decisions and actions, wherever, whenever and however we act.
Integrity system
To this end, a comprehensive integrity system has been deployed and is applicable throughout the Group, both in France and abroad.
In particular, this system is structured around three key documents:
Export controls, sanctions and embargoes
Taking into account the sensitivity of our technologies and products, as well as the sensitivity of the technical information and items exchanged with our suppliers, customers and partners, Exail relies on a robust frame of reference to systematically guarantee compliance with all applicable regulations in terms of export controls, sanctions and embargoes, throughout our global operations.
If you have any questions about compliance issues at Exail, please write to us below