Exail header integrated micro optics benches

Laboratory laser modules

LAZ-LAB Series

Exail offers a full suite of continuous wave lasers integrated into a compact module. The LAZ-LAB integrates either fiber-coupled distributed feedback diode-based lasers, or very narrow line-width laser based on an ultra-short cavity length using a phase-shifted design.

These high-grade and high-performance lasers are ideal seeders for Exail modulators and MOPA – Master Oscillator Power Amplifier – configurations.

Exail quantum communication laz lab nl



    • 0.1 kHz -linewidth laser @1560 nm (other wavelength on demand)
    • Fiber-coupled laser-diode choice available from 780 nm to 2050 nm
    • Compatible with LiNbO3 Exail modulators
    • Seeder and oscillator for fiber CW laser
    • Plug & play module, browser-based GUI or remote USB control
    • Compact size module


  • Sensing: hydrophone, acoustic, interferometry, spectroscopy, DTS, Coherent Lidar
  • Fibre Laser seeder
  • Cold-atoms & Quantum
  • Telecommunication & QKD

The LAZ-LAB narrow linewidth single frequency fiber laser: LAZ-LAB-NL-1560

Exail’s single frequency fiber lasers are based on UV Bragg grating technology applied to active rare-earth photosensitive fibers.

Integrated into a carefully designed module using in-house ultra-stable pump drivers, this solution delivers a stable single frequency laser line with ultra-low intrinsic noise and linewidth smaller than 0.1 kHz.

The LAZ-LAB semi-conductor-based laser: LAZ-LAB-NIR

Exail has selected fiber-coupled laser-diodes that pair well with Exail LiNbO3 modulators. The key parameters for optimal performance are the optical power, the wavelength value and its stability, the polarization orientation, and the laser linewidth.

These lasers diodes were tested by Exail to match perfectly with our modulators to ensure their highest performance, and they were also qualified for their reliability and high quality.


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