Exail header quantum metrology instruments

Quantum & metrology instruments

Exail is the world’s first company to commercialise industry-grade quantum sensors based on laser cooled atoms. This state-of-the-art technology is now operated worldwide by non-specialists, from the top of Mount Etna to Antarctica. Such a unique scientific and technological know-how leverages decades of academic research.

Beyond quantum sensors, Exail’s photonics solutions enable real applications in other quantum technology fields. They also enable precise control and transmission of the frequency, phase and amplitude of a laser light through fibered telecommunication links, for metrology applications. The true and deep understanding of Exail teams for the fundamental physics behind its technology explains the absolute quality of its time & frequency reference products.

Pioneering cold-atom based quantum technology for metrology and sensing applications

Absolute Quantum Gravimeters

Exail’s Absolute Quantum Gravimeter (AQG) is the world's first commercially available turn-key quantum sensor for high-precision gravity measurements stationary or in the field. Transportable, it performs measurement at a level of 10-8 m/s² (1 μGal) in terms of sensitivity, stability and repeatability. It allows continuous data acquisition from a few seconds to several years.

Adapted to harsh environments like the top of a volcano, the AQG is highly suitable for geophysics reservoir or lava monitoring, geodesy, hydrology, metrology and sub-surface imaging for civil engineering.

Exail quantum gravimeter volcan

Regeneration Laser Station (RLS)

Sharing the performance of the best optical clocks in the world is now possible with Exail Regeneration Laser Station. The RLS allows the transfer of ultra-stable optical frequency over long-distances for clock comparisons or dissemination to end-users separated by hundreds or even thousands of kilometers.

Developed in the framework of REFIMEVE+, a consortium of research labs leaders in the field, Exail RLS is a metrology system turned into a certified industry-grade solution, including both hardware and software. Hundreds of Exail RLS stations have already been deployed, to connect main French cities and some other European cities.

Exail regeneration laser station fond blanc