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Exail is committed to develop and manufacture performant and reliable optical components, and to have them integrated into turn-key laser systems for the most challenging applications: sensing, QKD or cold-atom manipulation.

Exail has been the world’s first company to commercialize industry-grade quantum sensors based on laser cooled atoms. The development of a dedicated intelligent frequency-stabilized laser system holds the key to such success. This state-of-the-art technology is now available for a broad range of users for the development of their own experiment and development.

Exail also offers the LAZ-LAB series, a full suite of continuous wave lasers integrated into a compact module.

State-of-the-art ultra-accurate and fully-integrated laser systems

Intelligent Laser Systems (ILS)

Unlock the potential of your cold-atom experiment and quantum technology setup with Exail’s frequency-stabilized laser systems dedicated to atom cooling and trapping.

Exail presents a new generation of compact and agile intelligent laser systems (ILS) offering a precise control of the laser amplitude, phase, and absolute frequency with fast tunability. Such high-performance laser systems exploit laser-cooled quantum manipulation techniques on an industrial scale. The ILS also counts ultra low-noise electronics

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Exail ils series detoure
Exail ultra stable master laser

Ultra-stable master laser

Developed to operate Exail own commercial Quantum Sensors, in particular the flagship Absolute Quantum Gravimeter, USML laser is a master laser whose frequency is stabilized on an atomic transition using saturated absorption spectroscopy.

One or several additional lasers – called slave lasers – are then phase locked to the master laser. The USML is mainly dedicated to manipulate Rubidium atoms and hence provides 780 nm laser light. However, other wavelength for other species can be discussed upon request.

Laboratory laser modules

Unleash the potential of your sensing or quantum setup by using Exail high-grade and high-performance lasers. They are designed as ideal seeders for electro-optical modulators and to implement MOPA – Master Oscillator Power Amplifier – configurations.

The LAZ-LAB integrates either fiber-coupled distributed feedback diode-based lasers, or very narrow line-width lasers based on an ultra-short cavity length using a phase-shifted design. The optical components are tested and integrated into a carefully designed module.

Exail quantum communication laz lab nl

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