Exail header quantum metrology instruments


Exail leads the way of the second quantum revolution by pioneering photonics components and integrated lasers for the manipulation of individual quantum objects. With such technologies, Exail enables mature applications in quantum communication, quantum simulation and quantum computing.

Founded by former students and colleagues of the 2022 physics Nobel Prize Alain Aspect, Exail quantum sensing activity leverages decades of research. It is the world’s first company to commercialize industry-grade quantum sensors. They are now operated worldwide.

Industry-grade solutions for quantum systems manipulation

Exail pioneering expertise and products help photonics engineers to bring the most ambitious quantum technologies to industry standards, whether they rely on photons, neutral atoms, trapped ions or NV-centers.

Exail optical components, sub-systems and fully integrated laser offer performant solutions to implement quantum system manipulation setups:

Enhancing quantum technology developments with industry standards

Exail provides photonics solutions from fully integrated and intelligent laser systems, down to the components. With its integrated micro-optical benches, polarizing fibers, phase/amplitude/I&Q LiNbO3 modulators and laboratory laser modules, Exail can support research labs, agencies or companies with the development of their quantum technologies with industry standards, whether they rely on neutral atoms, photons, or ions…

Exail header quantum metrology instruments
Exail header quantum communication

Unlocking quantum communication potential

Exail photonics solutions provide a strong technological advantage for the development of quantum communication based on Quantum Key Distribution (QKD). Exail offers optical solutions for modulation and demodulation for Continuous-Variable QKD (CV-QKD), but also for Discrete-Variable QKD (DV-QKD). 

Quantum sensors based cold-atoms

Exail has established itself as a leader in the quantum sensing field, specializing on cold-atoms based sensors. Its Absolute Quantum Gravimeters (AQG) is the only commercial industry-grade solution currently available of this cutting-edge technology. Easy to use for non-physicists, it enables continuous absolute gravity measurements from a few seconds to several years.

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Exail quantum gravimetry etna

Exail Absolute Quantum Gravimeter performed the world’s first detection of gravity changes induced by volcanic processes on Mount Etna (L. Antoni-Micollier et al., Geophysical Research Letters, 2022).

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