Exail header optic modulation


FBG, DFB & photosensitive fibers

3 gain flattening filters

Exail’s GFF based on Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) technology represents an easy and effective solution to flatten the gain in a WDM systems.

Fast prototyping made possible by our highly flexible production lines. The FBG technology achieves low systematic errors leading to stochastic accumulation of the error function in cascading GFFs.

iXtra technology based on chirped and slanted FBG written on our specialty fiber pushes the limits of flattening by achieving a very low ripple and a high return loss.

Exail produit bobine optical fibers
Exail diagramme gain flattening filter



  • Customized filter profile in the C, L and S bands
  • Tight compensation of gain fluctuations
  • Low excess loss
  • Low magnitude ripple (down to 0.02 dBpp) with iXtra technology
  • Dissipative filtering with iXtra technology
  • Low systematic errors
  • Weak PDL and PMD
  • PM fiber available
  • Fulfill Telcordia GR-1209 or GR-1221 requirements
  • Custom design on request
  • Athermal or non-athermal package, recoat
  • Advantages

    • WDM in optical fiber communication (Long-haul, Metro)
    • Clean-up filtering
    • ASE source flattening, spectral shaping
    • Raman amplifier


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