For space-grade fiber amplifiers
The need for new Earth and universe observation satellites is becoming more and more important, with new challenges in this very hostile space environment where components are exposed to ionizing radiation. Longer missions, very distant satellite for deep space sensing, and new telecommunication demands necessitate stronger photonic devices and components to withstand ionizing radiation.
Exail has produced more than 20 flying navigation systems that are equipped with our fibers and components. We have developed a strong experience in the qualification of such devices in collaboration with end users.

Erbium (Er) doped fiber: gain degradation < 0.25 dB / 100 krad with 30 dB gain EDFA
Erbium/Ytterbium (Er/Yb) doped fiber: gain degradation < 1.5 dB / 100 krad with 10 W amplifier design
6 & 12 µm core
Panda PM and associated passive fibers also available
High cumulated irradiation dose compatibility
Fiber lasers and amplifiers
Space grade amplifiers and lasers
Harsh environment amplifiers and lasers

Radiation tolerant frequency comb fiber laser for space applications
A radiation tolerant erbium fiber based optical frequency comb was developed and environmentally tested. The system remained operable after an accumulated dose of 1 kGy. The femtosecond fiber oscillator and Er fiber amplifiers were manufactured from speciality doped fibers.
Radiation tolerant frequency comb fiber laser for space applications

Evaluation of the reliability of pump combiners
In this paper, we will describe the work carried out within the framework of the evaluation of the reliability of pump combiners under space environment. This work includes the definition of the optical and environmental specifications.
Evaluation of the reliability of pump combiners

Recent advances on radiation-hardened optical fiber technologies
Optical Fiber Communication and Exhibition (OFC) – March 2020
Silica-based optical fibers possess key advantages for integration in radiation-rich environments as parts of laser sources, optical amplifiers, etc. We reviewed how the understanding of the basic mechanisms of radiation effects can be exploited to optimize their tolerance.
Recent advances on radiation-hardened optical fiber technologies
Optical Fiber Communication and Exhibition (OFC) – March 2020

Recent advances in radiation-hardened fiber-based technologies for space applications
Journal of Optics – 1 August 2018
Review of the recent progress on radiation-hardened fiber-based technologies, focusing on examples for space applications. We introduce the operational principles of the various fiber-based technologies considered for use in radiation environments.
Recent advances in radiation-hardened fiber-based technologies for space applications
Journal of Optics – 1 August 2018

Radiation influence on er and er/yb doped fiber amplifiers performances: high power and wdm architectures
Photonics West – January 2018
The actual challenge for space researchers is to increase the free space telecommunications data speed transfer. One of the most promising solutions is the optical communication systems. This technology can be used for the inter-satellite and/or satellite-ground links.
Radiation influence on er and er/yb doped fiber amplifiers performances: high power and wdm architectures
Photonics West – January 2018

Robustness of astrix fiber optic gyros in space radiative environment
10th International ESA Conferenceon Guidance, Navigation & Control systems – June 2017
Development of radiation resistant passive and doped fibers started 10 years ago at iXblue. With tens of satellites flying using iXblue Optical Fibers, we now have access to data from real space environment – not only lab irradiation testing.
Robustness of astrix fiber optic gyros in space radiative environment
10th International ESA Conferenceon Guidance, Navigation & Control systems – June 2017

Optimized radiation-hardened Erbium Doped Fiber amplifiers for long space missions
Journal of Applied Physics 121, 163104 – 2017
In this work, we developed and exploited simulation tools to optimize the performances of rare earth doped fiber amplifiers (REDFAs) for space missions. To describe these systems, a state-of-the-art model based on the rate equations.
Optimized radiation-hardened Erbium Doped Fiber amplifiers for long space missions
Journal of Applied Physics 121, 163104 – 2017

Radiation tolerant frequency comb fiber laser for space applications
A radiation tolerant erbium fiber based optical frequency comb was developed and environmentally tested. The system remained operable after an accumulated dose of 1 kGy. The femtosecond fiber oscillator and Er fiber amplifiers were manufactured from speciality doped fibers.

Evaluation of the reliability of pump combiners
In this paper, we will describe the work carried out within the framework of the evaluation of the reliability of pump combiners under space environment. This work includes the definition of the optical and environmental specifications.

Recent advances on radiation-hardened optical fiber technologies
Optical Fiber Communication and Exhibition (OFC) – March 2020
Silica-based optical fibers possess key advantages for integration in radiation-rich environments as parts of laser sources, optical amplifiers, etc. We reviewed how the understanding of the basic mechanisms of radiation effects can be exploited to optimize their tolerance.

Recent advances in radiation-hardened fiber-based technologies for space applications
Journal of Optics – 1 August 2018
Review of the recent progress on radiation-hardened fiber-based technologies, focusing on examples for space applications. We introduce the operational principles of the various fiber-based technologies considered for use in radiation environments.

Radiation influence on er and er/yb doped fiber amplifiers performances: high power and wdm architectures
Photonics West – January 2018
The actual challenge for space researchers is to increase the free space telecommunications data speed transfer. One of the most promising solutions is the optical communication systems. This technology can be used for the inter-satellite and/or satellite-ground links.

Robustness of astrix fiber optic gyros in space radiative environment
10th International ESA Conferenceon Guidance, Navigation & Control systems – June 2017
Development of radiation resistant passive and doped fibers started 10 years ago at iXblue. With tens of satellites flying using iXblue Optical Fibers, we now have access to data from real space environment – not only lab irradiation testing.

Optimized radiation-hardened Erbium Doped Fiber amplifiers for long space missions
Journal of Applied Physics 121, 163104 – 2017
In this work, we developed and exploited simulation tools to optimize the performances of rare earth doped fiber amplifiers (REDFAs) for space missions. To describe these systems, a state-of-the-art model based on the rate equations.