FBG laser mirrors
FBG laser components
For fiber laser cavity and high-power applications
Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) mirrors is a critical component used to design laser cavity and are ideal for high-power fiber lasers. Exail’s mirrors have been customized to address the specific requirements of high efficiency and laser applications.
Exail offers these wavelength selective mirrors on a complete range of specialty fibers for high power handling and standard applications. Optimized manufacturing process and testing ensure their long-term reliability in fiber lasers.
Exail offers a dissipative package for thermal management of the FBG to ensure stability at high optical power.

Benefits & Features
Low thermal effect
Single mode or double clad fiber (in house fiber)
Custom specifications available
Specific recoating for pump guidance
Full passive assembly available
Packaging options : bare FBG and heat dissipative package
PM available
Custom design on request
Advantages of dissipative package
Advantages of dissipative package
Thermal and mechanical shock protection for FBG mirrors and splices
Highly reduced wavelength drift
- High-power applications
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