Exail header acoustic releases

Acoustic releases

Oceano Series

With over 20,000 units delivered worldwide, Exail’s Oceano Series of acoustic releases have proven their reliability and safety with decades of deployment and recovery of critical subsea instrumentation. Meeting the most demanding needs of scientific campaigns and offshore works, the Oceano Series addresses a wide range of applications from coastal to ultra-deep offshore operations. Highly robust and accurate, Exail’s acoustic releases can deploy and retrieve payloads from 200 kg to 5,000 kg over a long period of time, ensuring the safe and long-endurance operation of all subsea instrumentation.

Sea-proven reliability

Safely deploying and recovering seabed equipment and their collected data is critical to many scientific and offshore operations. Acoustic releases are therefore key instrumentation that need to offer the utmost reliability. This is why Exail’s Oceano Series have been designed to offer operators with highly dependable acoustic releases.

Special care has been given to the Oceano Series release mechanism to overcome the challenges posed by concretion or biological deposits and offer highly reliable release. Based on a positive drive-off release mechanism, the transmission chain between the release shaft connected to the gearmotor and the main hook forces the hook to open and release the load, whatever the conditions encountered.

Exail produits oceano r1

Oceano R1

Exail produits oceanor5

Oceano R5

Exail produits oceano R7

Oceano R7

Exail produits oceano R9

Oceano R9

Exail produits oceano hd15 cable lay

HD 15 Cable Lay








Super Duplex Stainless Steel

Titanium Grade 5

Super Duplex Stainless Steel

Stainless Steel

Depth rating (m)

1 000

6 000

12 000

6 000

6 000

Weight (Air/Water) in kg






Size (D*L) in mm ((L*W*H) in mm for HD 15 Cable Lay)






Load characteristics (SW/RL) in kg






Operating life with alkaline batteries (0°C, months)

Up to 30

Up to 60

Up to 60

Up to 60

Up to 36

Maximum mooring safety with corrosion-free design

Seabed equipment and ocean sensors face extreme subsea conditions, where corrosion and maintenance costs are critical challenges. Exail addresses this with acoustic releases crafted entirely from high-tensile Super Duplex Stainless Steel.

The Oceano Series stands out for its durable design and superior corrosion resistance, perfect for long-term, demanding deployments. The latest models feature an innovative design that minimizes mechanical interfaces, improves water flow, and prevents standing water—boosting corrosion resistance even further.

Exail schema acoustic releases new

Corrosion prevention

Between the transducer guard and the upper end-plate

Corrosion prevention

Between the tube housing and both end-plate

Corrosion prevention

Between the release mechanism and the lower end-plate

Corrosion prevention

Between the tube housing and both end-plate

Exail schema acoustic releases new

Unrivaled operating life

Durability and battery life are key for acoustic releases. The Oceano Series delivers both, with low power consumption ensuring up to 60 months of deployment using alkaline batteries. Exail’s advanced power management system and low clock frequency optimize energy use while maintaining consistent acoustic performance, even as the battery discharges.

Oceano mise en situation

Secured command and control

All Exail Oceano Series acoustic releases can be actuated using one single universal telecommand unit. Compact, portable, versatile and lightweight, the Oceano TT801 low frequency band acoustic telecommand unit can be connected to various dunking transducers depending on the length of cable required and can be easily operated from large research vessels or very small rubber boats.

With this universal deck set unit, operators are able to calculate and display slant distances to target, monitor remote instruments status and manage command codes.

A complete range addressing all applications

The Oceano Series offers a complete range that addresses the various needs of operators, including:

  • Long-term oceanographic mooring recovery

  • Coastal moorings

  • Pipeline pig tracking

  • Remotely controlled operations: triggering of hydraulic shackle or pyrotechnic cable cutter

  • Data transmission (pressure)