MICS product line offers the most complete range of DWDM Mux/Demux (6,25GHz to 400GHz spacing).
TMICS is a spacing and frequency DWDM Mux/Demux.
Thanks to its flexible bulk grating technology, Exail offers the most complete DWDM mux/demux product range.
Since 1998, MICS product is deployed on the field by system vendors, for metro, long haul and submarine networks.
Exail has
developed a benchtop tunable MUX/DEMUX. By tuning the spacing and the
optical frequency, the user has access to complete grid modularity.
Exail also offers MUX/DEMUX based on TFF in mini-size packages.

Up to 48 channels
Any spacing from 6.25 Ghz till 400 Ghz
S+C+L+U band (1460nm to 1675nm) or around 1310nm
Flat top shape or specific shape option
PM option
Qualified to TELCORDIA 1209 and TELCORDIA 1221.
A technology that is going to space
MICS (DWDM Mux/Demux) are manufactured following an in-house process of ultra-accurate assembling of micro-optics. The full process, from active optical alignment to gluing and assembling process, is based on technologies that have proved their abilities to respect constraints of space deployment.
Due to the increasing demand for space products, a new hermetic seam-sealing system was acquired in 2022 to carry out mass production of its components, sealed in a controlled atmosphere, at atmospheric pressure.