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Rad-hard FBG

FBG, DFB & Photosensitive Fibers

11 radiation sensing fibers

Radiation hardened FBG for sensing and filtering applications

Our radiation hardened Fiber Bragg Gratings (FBG) are ideal for diagnostic or wavelength selection devices in harsh radiative environments. These FBGs are written on a specially designed radiation-hardened optical fiber minimizing end-of-life losses. Our specific FBG manufacturing process ensures spectral response stability againt the effects of combined radiations (X-, y-rays, neutrons, protons) and high temperature.

Our technology is field proven up to MGy level and 350°C. These FBG are also suitable for space mission (63 MeV protons) and nuclear reactor (~5∙1019 n/cm2).

Exail produit bobine optical fibers
Exail radiation hardened fbg for sensing and filtering applications



  • Based on proprietary Exail low Radiation Induced Attenuation (RIA) fiber: 150 dB/km up to 10 MGy (γ-dose) at high dose rate
  • Stabilized optical response in harsh environement thanks to dedicated FBG manufacturing process : suppression of radiation wavelength shift
  • Field tested: temperature sensing with 1°C accuracy up to MGy level and up to 350°C obtained using IXC-FBG-RAD components


  • Discrete point sensing, FBG-based mirror
  • Strain sensors and wavelength selective mirrors for harsh environments
  • FBG suitable for Tokamak environment
  • Nuclear environment
  • High energy physics
  • Space


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