Free space micro-optics assembly
Exail is committed to deliver photonics solutions with excellent performances and to support the most ambitious R&D projects, product developments and product industrialization. Turning any large photonic experiments into an Exail micro-optics assembly will unleash the potential of your developments in quantum technology, QKD, lidars, space communication, etc…
State-of-the-art free-space micro-optics assemblies for challenging applications
Exail micro-optics assemblies in free-space (Telcordia qualified), are turn-key fibered benches integrating within a compact and ultra-stable package a wide variety of optical functions such as: power splitters, combiners, optical switches, frequency shifters… With exceptional alignment stability over an extended operating temperature range, and a small footprint, the technology is suitable for space applications. They are also able to operate at high power.
90° Optical hybrid (COH)
Exail has an extensive experience in developing innovative technologies enabling ever higher transmission rate for fiber-optic telecommunications, in particular devices based on micro-optics that can demodulate optical signals with very complex modulation. Developed for the telecom industry, Exail COH is the most advanced Exail demodulation solution.
The single polarization 90° optical hybrid (COH) is a phase, amplitude and polarization signal extractor for coherent detection. It is very flexible, and it can be applied to simple modulation up to more complex modulation without any update. It finds relevant applications in quantum communication (QKD), optical communications in space and sensing (DAS).

DPSK demodulator (MINT)
Elevate your optical demodulation capabilities with Exail's optical Differential Phase Shift Keying (DPSK) demodulator (MINT). Developed with a ground-breaking approach based on telecom technologies, the MINT offers an advanced solution for transmission rate higher than 10 Gbit/s in fiber-optic telecommunications.
Offering a wide tunable capability, the MINT is a Mach-Zender Delay Line Interferometer that performs the interference between an incoming signal and itself, delayed by one bit-time. Dedicated to DPSK demodulation, it can be used in many other applications.
Based on free-space design and a long-term expertise in telecom technology, Exail MICS offers the most complete range of DWDM “Mux/Demux” solution dedicated to the multiplexing and demultiplexing. It is able to transfer in a unique optic fiber many laser beams of different wavelengths (i.e 40 laser beams at 40 different wavelengths – 1528 to 1560 nm, the C-band – in a typical telecom fiber).
MICS has been successfully deployed on the field by system vendors, for metro, long haul and submarine networks, since 1998! The technology is now going to space, as demand for space products is increasing tremendously.

Variable Optical Delay Line (VODL)
Exail’s expertise in assembling optical components in free space has led to the development of a patented Variable Optical Delay Line (VODL) device. It enables delay lines to be obtained with delay adjustment ranges of several nanoseconds, while using mechanical displacement means that may present imperfections, without degrading beam alignments and therefore the optical coupling ratio between input and output fibers.
Exail free-space VODLs have a variety of applications, including the synchronization of femtosecond laser pulses, and optical coherence tomography (OCT), a non-contact optical imaging technology used to obtain 2D or 3D images of transparent objects in ophthalmology, for example.
Polarization Division Multiplexing Emulator (PDME)
Unleashing the potential of a complex photonics lab setup by turning it into a compact and robust fibered system requires dealing with polarization. The Polarization Division Multiplexing Emulator (PDME) is Exail’s solution based on micro-optic assembly to control the delay between different polarizations. It can emulate Polarization Division Multiplexing (PDM) signals by launching a polarized signal with a given modulation format. At the output of the device, the modulation format will be emulated on both polarizations.

Integrated Micro-Optical Bench (IMOB)
Leveraging its experience as a world pioneer in the commercialization of industry-grade laser systems for quantum technologies, Exail has developed the iMOB to help photonics engineers and researchers to turn their photonic lab experiment into a compact and robust system. For experiments as complex as atom laser-cooling, ion or single-photon manipulation, the iMOB will respect optical alignments, power stability and polarization quality.
Exail micro-optics technology is a game-changer all along the TRL ladder. The IMOB has already proved its value on the ground and in space for applications in telecom, quantum communication, quantum sensing, quantum simulation and quantum computing.
Custom Integrated Free-Space Optical Systems
Exail can provide free-space optics technology which are tailored to user‘s applications. Starting from user’s specifications (simple drawing or detailed specifications), we are fully capable to design and build industrial-grade integrated systems, that can be further utilized as OEM’s subsystems.