Fiber Bragg Grating and Optical Filters
Exail is committed to develop and manufacture optical components with excellent performances to support the most diverse industrial applications such as Telecom, sensing, defense, space, fiber laser and harsh environment.
Whether you need to select a particular wavelength, flatten the gain on a Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) or shape a spectrum to your particular requirements, Exail’s fiber optical components are suited for the most advanced needs. In addition, Exail provides on demand athermal or dissipative packages.
Leveraging 20 years of experience in manufacturing optical fibered components
FBG laser mirrors
Unlock the potential of your fiber laser cavity with Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) mirrors, a critical component, ideal for high-power fiber lasers. Exail FBG mirrors have been customized to address the specific requirements of high efficiency and laser applications.
Exail offers these wavelength selective mirrors on a complete range of specialty fibers for high-power handling and standard applications. Optimized manufacturing process and testing ensure their long-term reliability in fiber lasers.
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Rad-hard FBG
Enhance the capability of your optical system for sensing and filtering applications with Exail radiation Hardened Fiber Bragg Gratings (FBG). They are are ideal for diagnostic or wavelength selection devices used in harsh radiative environments.
Exail FBGs are written on a specially designed radiation-hardened optical fiber minimizing end-of-life losses, based on a proprietary low Radiation Induced Attenuation fiber. These FBG are also suitable for space mission and nuclear reactor.
Learn moreLow linewidth single frequency DFB laser
Exail distributed feedback single-frequency fiber laser is an ideal solution for various sensing applications: acoustic sensing, hydrophone, cold atom, interferometry, spectroscopy, …
Among other FBG laser components, single-frequency fiber lasers are based on UV Bragg grating technology applied to active rare-earth photosensitive fibers.
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Ultra-narrow bandwidth filters
Unleash the potential of your optical device for Telecom wavelengths demultiplexing, filtering or high resolution sensing (temperature, strain, ultrasonic waves) by using Exail’s very narrowband transmission filter.
Such a narrow band transmission filter allows low insertion loss at resonant peak, tailored transmission and high temperature stability.
Learn moreGain flattening filters
Make the post of your Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) system by using Exail’s Gain Flattening Filters (GFF).
Based on Fiber Bragg Grating technology, Exail’s GFF represents an easy and effective solution to push the limits of flattening in a WDM system for optical fiber communication and other applications of this type.
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Custom FBG
Take advantage of Exail experience and capabilities in the design and manufacturing of fiber optical components to develop your customized FBG solution, up to 2 µm wavelength range.
The list of design customization possibilities include: splicing, recoating, dissipative or athermal package, hydrogenation loading, up to index profile measurement and optical fiber characterization.
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