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Delph Geo software suite

Delph Geo Software is a complete software suite covering all survey needs from data acquisition to processing and data interpretation. Interfacing with most industry leading sensors and data formats, it offers seismic, sonar and magnetometer modules and benefits from years of on-the-field return on experience.

An all-in-one solution for geophysical data processing & 3D interpretation

A user-friendly interface and focus on data acquisition reliability

Recording optimum-quality data can be a challenge, especially when simultaneously supervising several pieces of equipment. Dedicated to surveyors, the Delph Geo Acquisition module features an easy-to-read display with a focus on raw data quality.

Large indicators display the acquisition status and inform operators about the nature and severity of problems when they occur. Offering a resolutely simplified user interface and display-only data enhancement, it provides stability to the core logging functions of the application, thus reducing the risk of mistakes that may corrupt raw data.

From raw data to ultra-efficient workflow for geophysical survey

Close partnership with major survey companies worldwide results in a highly optimized workflow for processing side-scan sonar and SAS, seismic and sub-bottom profilers, magnetometer and gradiometer data.

Providing geologists, geophysicists and hydrographers with a fast and intuitive solution, Delph Geo software offers greater flexibility, enhanced productivity, and top-level multi-sensor data integration, quality control – QC – and interpretation capabilities, all in a smart and intuitive software environment.

The most advanced geophysical data processing and interpretation package in the industry

Delph Geo Interpretation is built around a powerful 2D/3D cartographic application – Delph RoadMap – and specialized sensor analysis software modules with strong interconnections.

This results in higher global Quality Control and brings more confidence in the dataset and intuitive cross correlation of multi-sensor data types for better interpretation, directly from the 3D map.

A time saving solution for geophysicists

Data processing and interpretation experts will benefit from intuitive access to all functions. The time-saving features will further allow them to better focus on QC, data analysis and interpretation rather than complex or time-consuming software operations.

Real-time and offline processed data available in no time

Most Delph Geo Interpretation module features offered for post-processing are also available on a real-time data flow. Delph Geo real-time connection automates the processing and 3D mapping of all data for immediate QC and early interpretation of the results.

Delph Geo scalability ranges from single users to traditional tow-fish and ROV based operations, up to the most demanding multi-USVs and multi-AUVs surveying methods. Whatever the survey scale, Delph Geo Interpretation copes with the large data amounts and deliver results in the shortest time.

Covering all sensors data acquisition, processing and interpretation

Seismic data

Delph Geo Seismic is the most complete acquisition, processing and interpretation software package. It has been designed to provide geologists and geophysicists with easy access to all data collected from high-resolution seismic systems and sub-bottom profilers.

Exail geophysical softaware delphseismic

Magnetometer data

Delph Geo Mag Locator is a unique operational solution for the mapping of buried objects. Unlike more specialized magnetometer software, it filters and maps magnetic anomalies in a few and very comprehensive steps.

While not requiring a strong expertise in magnetic science, it quickly delivers very accurate magnetic anomaly maps that will combine in Delph RoadMap 3D view for a powerful correlation with sonar bathymetry and sub-bottom data.

Exail geophysical software delph mag locator

Sonar data

Delph Geo Sonar is a complete acquisition, processing and interpretation software package designed to easily perform and process accurate and productive side-scan sonar surveys.

Exail geophysical software delph geo sonar module

Synthetic aperture sonar data

Delph SAS module streamlines synthetic aperture sonar processing within the industry leading Delph Sonar Interpretation software.

Combined with Exail Sams Series of aperture sonars, the processing of high-resolution and quality dataset is fully integrated within the Delph Geo Sonar module.

Sharing the same tools, it is fully similar and even easier to process Sams data than any other legacy side-scan dataset.

Exail geophysical software delph geo sas module

For multiple applications

  • Coastal management
  • Pipeline inspection
  • Cable routing
  • Hydrographic survey
  • Geophysical exploration
  • Geotechnical investigation
  • Coastal engineering
  • Habitat Mapping
  • Mine warfare
  • Structural geology
  • Marine geology
  • Marine archaeology
  • UXO – Unexploded Ordnance survey
  • Decommissioning survey
  • Windfarm survey
  • Paleoclimatology