Exail header laser systems 2


ILS Series

Exail offers a new generation of agile and intelligent laser systems (ILS) offering a precise control of the laser amplitude, phase and absolute frequency with fast tunability. The ILS shall perfectly match your need, hence a wide variety of configurations can be proposed. The ILS laser series is mainly dedicated to manipulate Rubidium atoms and hence most of our solutions provide 780 nm laser light. However, other wavelength for other species can be discussed upon request.
Exail produits inteligent laser system

Turn-key laser systems for Quantum Technologies and laser-cooled atoms

The laser systems proposed by Exail have been initially developed for our own use to operate our commercial Quantum Sensors, namely the Absolute Quantum Gravimeter and our cold-atom clock. The laser architecture is based on the utilization of slave lasers, frequency-locked to a master laser whose frequency is stabilized on an atomic transition using saturated absorption spectroscopy. Our laser systems are equipped with dedicated electronics, on-board computer and power supply to offer:

  • Ultra-low noise laser light
  • Agile and precise frequency control
  • Industry-grade integration and remarkable robustness
  • User-friendly operation

These laser systems can integrate an ultra-low noise microwave synthesizer, upon request.

Laser technology based on fibered telecom optical components

Because integration, robustness and reliability were the key drivers for our developments, the laser systems proposed by Exail are based on C-band optical telecom seed lasers. The laser light at telecom wavelength, like 1560 nm, is then amplified and frequency-doubled to generate the required wavelength

  • The seed module
    The current version of our laser system can include a DFB laser diode or an ECDL as a seed laser. We developed dedicated ultra low-noise electronics to achieve outstanding spectral features.

  • The amplification module
    A specific EDFA architecture was developed for these laser systems. Strong R&D efforts were conducted to optimize several key parameters such as Amplified Spontaneous Emission (ASE), wall-plug efficiency, polarization characteristics, and power stability.

  • The frequency doubling module
    Second harmonic generation is obtained with a PPLN waveguide crystal qualified for high power operation. This component also offers a very high conversion efficiency which loosens constraints on power requirements and management of thermal effects.

  • The frequency-stabilization module
    The frequency of the laser is stabilized on an atomic transition thanks to an optimized saturated absorption spectroscopy technique. Our design is based on a heated and magnetically shielded gas cell, and includes specific ultra low-noise frequency-lock electronics. This allows to keep the laser frequency locked on the atomic transition over several months. In addition, the locking of the laser frequency is automated and does not require any optimization from the user.

High-reliability fibered optical components

The laser system developed by Exail relies on the use of lasers operating at 1560 nm. This approach therefore gives access to a wide variety of high performance fibered optical components, originally developed for high-bit-rate optical communication systems. Thanks to the technological efforts conducted over the last 20 years by the telecom industry, these components present unique features:

  • Fibered components: no optical alignment required
  • Remarkable optical and electrical performances
  • Compliance with Telcordia qualification procedures (extended temperature range)
  • High reliability (lifetime > 50 000 h).

Easy-to-use, flexible and reliable laser system

  • Installation time: 10 minutes (no optical alignment, no mechanical assembly, no manual adjustment required prior to operation)
  • Auto-lock: the frequency locking of the master laser and the phase locking of the slave lasers are automated and managed by the on-board computer. No manual adjustment required.
  • Small footprint: the laser systems are integrated in 19’’ rack cabinets and feature output fibers whose length can be of several meters.
  • Robustness: the frequency lock and the phase locks remain locked for month without any action required from the user. It is robust with regard to temperature variations and vibrations.
  • Software: Dedicated and user-friendly data acquisition and system controller software
    • Automated starting procedure
    • Automated self-calibration procedures
    • Remote access and real-time data retrieval

State of the art optical performance

The laser systems provided by Exail feature state-of-the-art optical performances that meet the stringent demand of cold-atom physics and atom interferometry. On the optical domain, careful measurements show a typical linewidth of 50 kHz at 780 nm and a typical frequency stability of the different slave lasers of 50 kHz rms over days.

In terms of atomic performances, we are able to characterize on the Absolute Quantum Gravimeter that atomic temperatures as low as 2 µK can be obtained with ILS780 laser series. We also conclude that the number of atoms trapped in the MOT is stable within a few percent over months.

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Optical beatnote between two laser beams coming from two identical laser systems. A linewidth of 50 kHz is measured. The linewidth is defined here as the Full Width Half Maximum (FWHM) of the Lorentzian fit of this beatnote.

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Optical beatnote between one laser beam coming from an ILS and a reference laser. A frequency stability of 50 kHz over a few days is measured. The frequency stability is defined here as the rms standard deviation of the time series.


After several years of industrialization of ILS lasers, Exail is able to commit to excellent performances to sustain the most ambitious R&D projects and product developments.

Frequency stability

< 100 kHz rms std dev over 1 day

Frequency tunning range around central frequency (through phase-locks)

700 MHz

Typical frequency tuning speed

300 MHz / ms

Number of output fibers

On demand, between 2 and 12 typically

Beam Quality

TEM00, M2 < 1.2

Maximum output power

950 mW

Output power stability (when frequency locked)

≤ 1 % rms std dev over 1 h



Polarization Extinction Ratio (PER)

≥ 25

Mechanical switching time (mechanical shutters)

< 1 ms

Optical switching time (AOM)

< 1 µs


19’’ racks
