Exail header remote hydrography services

Remote hydrography services


  • Turnkey survey services for survey service providers, companies and institutes worldwide
  • From assets mobilization to the interpretation and delivery of the collected data
  • A fleet of leading-edge autonomous survey technologies (DriX Uncrewed Surface Vehicles (USV) and accompanying autonomous ecosystem and state-of-the-art acquisition sensors
  • A team of expert surveyors and technicians
  • Helping customers in their transition to autonomous operations
  • Optimized survey productivity, efficiency, sustainability, and safety
Exail produit remote hydrography services

Powering operational efficiency

Transitioning to remote survey operations, Exail helps companies and institutes worldwide gain in operational efficiency, while supporting the sustainable growth of the oceans.

24/7 operations

Deploying a fleet of DriX USVs offering outstanding seakeeping and speed capabilities, Exail can operate 24/7 while keeping downtime to a minimum, even in severe weather conditions. These seakeeping and speed capabilities further allow Exail to increase seafloor mapping rate with no compromise on data quality, drastically reducing operational costs.

Force multiplying multi-USV operations

Exail team of surveyors can deploy multiple DriX USVs as an efficient and easy way to optimize your survey efficiency. Multiple DriX can either be fitted with the same sensors and be used on the same survey zone, or they can perform separate missions using different sensors.

Unrivaled data quality

DriX offers optimum conditions for high quality data acquisition: sensors located 2 meters below the surface, in a highly reduced-noise and bubble-free environment.

Combined with the DriX USV outstanding line keeping, and state-of-the-art acquisition sensors (MBES, INS, USBL, SBP, velocity probes…), Exail teams of surveyors can help you collect even higher data quality than with traditional assets. This in turns translates into drastically reduced post-processing phases.

Past operations using the DriX Uncrewed Surface Vessel have a data cleaning rate reduced up to 8 times depending on client or mission scope.

Exail remote hydrography services control center

Force multiplying multi-USV operations

Exail team of surveyors can deploy multiple DriX USVs as an efficient and easy way to optimize your survey efficiency. Multiple DriX can either be fitted with the same sensors and be used on the same survey zone, or they can perform separate missions using different sensors.


Keeping the environment safe from irreversible impacts and ensuring our oceans sustainability are key requirements. Using Exail DriX USV for your next operations will help do just that:

  • Low fuel consumption
  • Low greenhouse gas emission
  • Low radiated noise in the water
  • Low operational footprint & removing need for crew transfers

A team of experts

True specialists in autonomous platforms and remote operations, Exail team of marine and survey engineers, hydrographers, oceanographers and geologists leverage decades of experience in conducting operational surveys within marine environments. They are here to support every single phase of your project:

  • Mission planning
  • Liaison with local authorities and communities
  • Field mobilizations
  • Operations and maintenance
  • Data acquisition and QC
  • Data processing
  • Interpretation and charting

A full operational ecosystem for autonomy

Having developed a complete ecosystem around its DriX USV, Exail ensures a smooth transition towards remote operations. This enables efficient deployments and successful missions through functional launch and recovery systems, as well as purpose-made towing tools, gondola adaptations and shallow water support tools.

Our services

Hydrographic survey

  • Governmental hydrography
  • Scouting for pre-seismic
  • Access to port, port, channel, fairways, inland waterways
  • Disaster responses
  • Geophysical survey

    • Cable and pipeline route
    • Site survey
    • Pre-dredging, control and post-dredging
    • UXO
    • Inspection survey

    • Marine Renewables, Offshore and civil engineering
    • Cable and pipe
    • Port subsea and surface 3D map
    • Subsea positioning & communication

      • LBL array calibration
      • Underwater positioning
      • AUV positioning, communication relay
      • Communication through Exail and third-party acoustic modem
        • Environmental assessment

        • Baseline survey
        • Ecosystem survey and assessment
        • Fish stock assessment
        • Disaster Response