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DriX H-8

Medium Range USV

With over 15,000 hours in operations around the world over the past three years, Exail’s DriX H-8 USV, along with its efficient launch and recovery system, is a seasoned asset in the environment of supervised autonomy. Able to conduct both remote-controlled and supervised autonomous operations (within visual range or Over The Horizon), DriX H-8 offers outstanding seakeeping and speed capabilities. It is a versatile and efficient USV that can host a wide range of payloads and that offers optimum conditions for high quality data acquisition in both shallow and deep waters.
Exail produit drix


  • Length: 7,710m
  • Breadth: 0,824m
  • Draft: 2m
  • Displacement: 1,4 t
  • Mono-hull material: carbon Kevlar-reinforced composite
  • Weight: 1,380 kg
  • Propulsion: 38HP Diesel engine
  • Fuel capacity: 250L (consumption average: 2l/h)
  • Drive: 1 straight shaft with 1 fix pitch propeller

DriX H-8: Advanced performance, efficiency, and sustainability

Outstanding seakeeping and speed capabilities

DriX H-8 highly hydrodynamic monohull and drop keel provide exceptional stability and balance to the platform. The USV will pierce waves and cannot capsize, even in high sea states. Keeping movements to a minimum, the USV ensures high stability. Thus widening the onboard sensors operation window.

DriX shape and stability allows for very high-speed capabilities (up to 14 knots), reducing transit downtime and providing high survey speeds with optimal data quality, harvested in a fraction of the usual times.

As far as endurance is concerned, DriX H-8 can sail for 7 days at 7 knots. At its top speed (14 knots), DriX H-8 can maintain continuous operations for 24 hours, while a speed of 4 knots will be required for a 10-day mission.

Very high data quality

All sensors are embedded within a gondola located 2m below the surface, in a highly reduced-noise and bubble-free environment. This offers optimum conditions for high quality data acquisition. Exceptional acquisition conditions are further induced by DriX H-8 outstanding line keeping, including in high sea states (up to sea state 5) and cross current situations. It also has been noted that the post-processing phase of a project using DriX H-8 was reduced by half thanks to the very high quality of the collected data.

Exail schema drix fuel consumotion
Exail schema drix fuel consumotion

An environmentally conscious & economical platform

DriX H-8 is made out of composite material. This means the USV is lighter than its Marine Steel or Aluminum counterparts. It also means it is not submitted to corrosion. DriX H-8 lightweight also enables the USV to be powered by smaller engines for the same level of performance. The direct consequences are:

  • Lower fuel consumption (brought even lower by DriX H-8 shape)
  • A reduction of the greenhouse gas emission
  • Less radiated noise in the water

A versatile and efficient platform

    A wide range of sensors for multiple missions’ capabilities

    DriX H-8 comes with a highly versatile payload system. The USV can either be fitted with a standard “universal gondola”, large enough to welcome a wide variety of sensors combinations, including:

  • MBES
  • INS
  • USBL
  • Velocity Probes…

To switch sensors, operators can either replace the payload directly within the existing gondola, or they can decide to swap the whole gondola, with another one fitted with different sensors. This provides DriX H-8 with enhanced mission’s capabilities and takes less than 3 hours. Custom gondolas can also be made upon request.

Above the surface, DriX H-8 can also carry various sensors such as cameras, optical sensors, radars and LiDARs.

From shallow to deep water

DriX H-8 is a versatile USV able to work in both shallow and deep water, enhancing its working domains. With a draft of 2m, DriX H-8 is able to conduct missions in coastal shallow waters down to 4-meter depths with all types of shallow water MBES. The USV can also operate in deep offshore thanks to its AUV tracking and communication capabilities allowed through Exail’s Gaps USBL and Canopus LBL systems. Existing third-party systems can also be implemented.

A new system that will allow DriX H-8 to work down to 3-meter water depths by reducing its draft to 90cm is currently under development for use with an MBES.

Exail product drix windfarm

Autonomous navigation at sea

Obstacle avoidance for security at sea

Powered by Cortix Aut, DriX H-8 is fitted with an advanced collision avoidance system that uses data fusion thanks to DriX H-8 wide variety of embarked navigation sensors (video and IR cameras, LiDAR, radar…). Combined to DriX H-8 second-to-none maneuvering skills (180° turn in 17 yards at 14 knots), this allows for very safe navigation, even within restricted areas.

Command & Control of the USV

Thanks to its advanced collision avoidance system and Follow Me Mode (FMM), DriX is able to transit over large expanse of sea at high speed, while staying in the wake of the Mother Vessel (MV).

DriX is able to conduct both remote-controlled and supervised autonomous operations. Within the latter, DriX H-8 performs its missions by itself while the pilot supervises the operations, either within or beyond visual range (Over The Horizon).

Exail drix h 8 2024 gmr

Multi-DriX H-8 operations

Deploying multiple DriX H-8 USVs is a simple and effective way to boost survey efficiency. With excellent seakeeping, the DriX H-8 performs reliably in all weather conditions. By maximizing every available weather window, multiple USVs significantly enhance productivity, reducing standby time—often up to 50% for traditional vessels—and minimizing downtime.

Managing multiple DriX H-8 USVs can be done either within visual range using a mother vessel or Over The Horizon from a remote Control Center.

Multiple DriX H-8 can either be fitted with the same sensors and be used on the same survey zone, or they can perform separate missions using different sensors. Deploying multiple DriX H-8 is made easy thanks to a dedicated HMI that displays all the various DriX H-8 data on the same user-friendly interface (cameras, telemetry, power supply management, navigation window…). This allows one single operator to manage multiple DriX H-8 missions with ease and efficiency and removes the need for additional operators or equipment.

An efficient launch and recovery system

DriX Deployment System (DDS)

Certified by Bureau Veritas, the DriX H-8 Deployment System (DDS) allows for swift and safe deployments and recoveries, up to sea state 3. Benefiting from a RHIB shape and making use of either one or two lifting points, the DDS can be deployed from a davit, a crane or an A-frame. Its state-of-the-art architecture also allows for the automatic docking of the DriX H-8 inside the DDS, with no human intervention. This auto-docking capability relies – amongst other things – on continuous exchange of positioning information between DriX H-8 (provided by its embedded GNSS and Phins C7 INS) and the DDS (through its GNSS and Quadrans AHRS).

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A wide range of applications

  • Hydrography
    • Seabed mapping for nautical charts
    • Fairways and port surveys

  • Energy & telecommunication
    • Pipeline route and inspection / Pipe prelay surveys
    • Port and harbor development
    • ROV and AUV positioning
    • LBL array calibration
    • Pre site, site and inspection survey
    • Dredging
  • Oceanography & environmental 
    • Seabed/habitat classification
    • Shallow stratigraphy/geology
    • Fisheries/biomass characterization
    • Water column characterization (current, turbidity…)

  • Defense
    • Military bathymetry
    • Rapid Environmental Assessment (REA)
    • Anti-submarine warfare
    • Emergency disaster relief


DriX H-8 Supervisor Certification

Exail offers dedicated training for professionals wanting to become certified DriX h-8 supervisors. The certification takes place in two phases:

A 2-week theoretical e-learning course made up of 16 modules that you can take online following your own schedule. Modules cover topics such as DriX H-8 architecture, sensors, command and control, HMI or mobilisation/ demobilization…
6 days of intensive hands-on training with a certified instructor to learn how to operate DriX H-8 in real conditions. The practical session is run in small groups (6 people maximum) and will cover all practical aspects including commissioning, deployment & transport, piloting, payload integration, maintenance…

A dedicated support team

Our qualified teams of hydrographers and geophysicists are also here to support you during your first hydrographic surveys using our DriX H-8 USV. From data acquisition, to the processing and reporting phases, our teams of professional surveyors will be with you every step of the way should you need more guidance after your training.

Operation Reports

Want to learn more about our DriX H-8 USV capabilities? Download our operation reports below.

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