Exail header drix series


DriX series

Exail is a leading developer of uncrewed surface technologies for the maritime industry. These solutions ensure a smooth transition towards remotely supervised maritime operations, making them efficient and successful. Exail's autonomous ecosystem offers a range of certified unmanned surface vehicles, launch and recovery systems, towed vehicles and custom payload gondola adaptations.

A complete range of Unmanned Surface Vessels (USVs) covering all operational needs

Exail produits drix h 8

DriX H-8
Medium range USV

Exail produits drix h 9

Drix H-9
Long Range USV

Exail produits drix o16

DriX O-16
Transoceanic range



9 m

15.75 m


1.6 t

2.1 t



< 10 days

< 20 days

< 30 days


< 14 kts

< 13 kts

< 16 kts

Fuel capacity

250 L

550 L

2300 L (Dual hybrid propulsion)


1,000 nm

2,000 nm

3,500 nm

Towing / Deployment

ROTV towing capabilities

ROTV towing capabilities

ROTVs, Inspection Class ROVs,
1,000 m rated AUVs

Station keeping



Dynamic Positioning

MBES capacity

3,000 m depth

3,000 m depth

Full ocean depth


1x 40' Cube Container

1x 40' Cube Container

2x 40' Cube Container


Launch & Recovery system

Customizable stern section for
 additional payload integration

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Why choose DriX?

Operating every step of the way

The DriX USVs can be operated in remote control mode or in supervised autonomous mode. In the latter, the USVs perform their missions independently while the pilot supervises the operations, either within or beyond visual range (Over The Horizon).

Robust communication means supporting OTH operations

Based on a multi-channel redundant communication system, DriX USVs can support both Line Of Sight (LOS) and Over The Horizon (OTH) operations. This communication system includes:

  • 4G/5G
  • Kongsberg Broadband Radio
  • Silvus Network Radio
  • WIFI
  • Starlink Satellite

    In full OTH mode, Exail USVs are able to select the best communication mode based on the environment, while intelligently managing bandwidth usage to ensure critical data priorities.

The OTH monitoring can be done from any location on the planet, providing there is a high internet bandwidth to connect to the DriX USV(s) on a dedicated cloud and via a secured encrypted link. From Exail’s own control center, we are able to monitor, in real-time, our USV(s):

    • Status
    • Telemetry & Power Supply Management
    • HMI features (including camera video streams, survey line plan…)
    • Survey computer with all key information (including quality control)
Exail remote hydrography services control center
Exail drix series web based intuitive hmi enables efficient remote operations

DriX web-based intuitive HMI enables efficient remote operations

A user friendly HMI for efficient operations

Exail USVs are equipped with a user-friendly HMI (Human-Machine Interface) which allows the operator to plan and control the unmanned platforms and their parameters. The DriX HMI is highly intuitive and features a graphical interface that allows real-time monitoring of various parameters.

    • Status
    • Mission planning and progress
    • Sensors configuration
    • Alerts management

    Operators can easily understand USV status and make informed decisions during mission execution.

Autonomous navigation at sea

CortiX Autononmy

CortiX is the Exail autonomy solution to enable a high level of autonomy on maritime surface platforms. CortiX was initially deployed on the Drix H-8 and is now a generic solution that can be deployed on other DriX and vessels. It is now a field proven solution with more than 100,000 hours at sea whether for Line of Sight or Other The Horizon operations. CortiX is an open platform and Exail provides various level of API for 3rd party software interface and or client own autonomy developments.

Advanced obstacle detection & avoidance for maximum safety

DriX USVs feature  CortiX advanced Obstacle Avoidance System (OAS) that ensures safe navigation in complex maritime environments. The system uses a combination of advanced sensors, including video and IR cameras, LiDAR, and radar, along with sophisticated software algorithms to detect and avoid obstacles in real-time.  CortiX OAS is the first solution on the market combining surface and underwater obstacles management. This allows for safe operations in dynamic maritime environments.

Exail ressources advanced obstacle detection avoidance for maximum safety
Exail ressources advanced obstacle detection avoidance for maximum safety

Efficient launch & recovery

  • Launch and Recovery from a mother vessel : Using a special Launch and Recovery System (LARS), the DriX H-8 USV can be launched from a mother ship. be deployed from a davit, a crane, or an A-frame. Automatic docking of the USV without human intervention is possible with the DriX H-8 LARS. 
  • Direct launch from shore or dock: DriX USVs can be launched from shore or a dock using a crane or other lifting equipment. For operations in coastal areas or from land-based facilities, this method is suitable.
  • Custom Launch and Recovery Systems development: Specific studies of a mother vessel are available to develop customized launch and recovery solutions that are tailored to the specific operational needs of the customer.
Exail drix series lars

DriX H-8 being deployed from NOAA’s Thomas Jefferson hydrographic survey vessel

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