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Atom cooling
& atom

Atom laser-cooling refers to the ability to slow and trap individual neutral atoms with laser beams. This process provides a small isolated and ideal sample of matter, produced on demand, that can then be used for quantum sensing (i.e Exail Absolute Quantum Gravimeter), quantum computing or quantum simulation.

With its high-performance optical components and its fully integrated laser for quantum system manipulation, Exail can support research labs, agencies or companies with the development of their quantum technologies with industry standards, whether they rely on neutral atoms, photons, or ions…

Applications of Laser Atom Cooling and Manipulation

Quantum sensing

By using techniques such as laser cooling and optical trapping, it is possible to control and manipulate atoms cooled to a temperature near the absolute zero. This allows the creation of quantum sensors with enhanced sensitivity. In particular, ultracold atoms can be used as ultra-sensitive detectors for various physical quantities like magnetic fields, accelerations, and inertial forces.

Exail Absolute Quantum Gravimeter (AQG) is a turn-key transportable quantum sensor measuring gravity at a level of 10-8 m/s². It is possible to reach such a precise measurement by using an ensemble of laser-cooled atoms accurately monitored as a free-falling test mass. The AQG provides gravity time series even under unfavorable environmental conditions, which allows it to detect small gravity changes over different time-scales, reflective of underground mass changes.

Quantum computing

Laser atom cooling and manipulation plays a crucial role in the preparation and manipulation of quantum bits (“qubits”) for quantum computing. Qubits are the fundamental units of information, and precise control over their quantum states is essential for performing processing tasks. Today, quantum processors count hundreds to a thousand qubits.

Having laser systems that are truly reliable and robust over time, such as Exail Intelligent Laser System ( ILS), is a crucial point for companies on the road to reach industrial-scale quantum processors. Exail laser systems to trap atoms have proven their reliability enough to operate a quantum gravimeter up to the top of Mount Etna.

Photonics solutions to implement reliable laser atom manipulation

Exail delivers industry-grade solutions to develop devices and experimental set-ups based on cold-atoms. As seen on the schematics below, any cold-atom set-up involves: an ultra-high vacuum system at room temperature that hosts the atoms, a laser system that provides the optical beams required to manipulate the atoms.

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ILS series – Intelligent Laser Systems

Turn-key frequency-stabilized laser systems

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iMOB Series

Integrated micro-optics benches (iMOB) can turn your photonic lab experiment into a compact and robust system.

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Quantum Gravimeter

The Absolute Quantum Gravimeter (AQG) is the first commercially available gravimeter based on Quantum Technologies and exploits the principle of atom interferometry with laser-cooled atoms.

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Exail’s LAZ-LAB-NL-1560 is a narrow linewidth single frequency fiber laser based on UV Bragg grating technology applied to active rare-earth photosensitive fibers.

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Lithium Niobate Electro-Optic Modulators

Exail offers the most comprehensive range of commercial LiNbO3 phase modulators

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Polarizing Fibers

Exail Polarizing (PZ) fiber is designed so that only one state of polarization is guided along the fiber; any other state of polarization will be lost rapidly thus yielding a high built-in polarization extinction ratio.

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Custom-designed micro-optics bench

Exail micro-optics bench offers an ideal solution to turn your photonic lab experiment into a compact and robust system.

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ILS Series – Intelligent Laser Systems

Exail ILS laser series is a fully integrated turn-key laser system emitting at 780 nm. It enables the straightforward laser-cooling of Rubidium atoms with performances improved over the years thanks to customer feedback. Several years of R&D enabled the ILS series size, weight, power and costs requirements to be reduced.

The ILS series is composed of a master laser, ultra low-noise electronics and state of the art optical components. The laser system onboards a local computer allowing real-time collection and processing of analog and digital signals. This ensures an automated turn-key operation of the laser systems, and provides a pleasant user experience to the end user.

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Integrated Micro-Optics Benches (iMOB Series)

The iMOB780 are fibered optical benches exploiting micro-optics technologies to integrate optical functions such as power splitting, combining, optical switching, frequency shifters, within a compact and ultra-stable package. Usual free-space optics set-ups are now turned into turn-key maintenance-free fibered sub-systems. They feature remarkable stability and have a high optical power level capability to several watts.

In a cold-atom setup, before sending the laser beams to the vacuum chamber, it is necessary to combine and split the outputs of the laser system to reach all of the optical viewports of the vacuum system. Exail iMOB provides such optical dispatch capability and can adapt to any configuration.

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Exail LAZ-LAB-NL-1560 is a narrow linewidth single frequency fiber laser based on UV Bragg grating technology applied to active rare-earth photosensitive fibers.

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LiNbO 3 Modulation Solutions

Dedicated modulators for each laser architecture are available: amplitude, phase and IQ modulators. Exail NIR modulators offers an unparalleled high-power handling capability and  high optical performance stability with optical power. For example Exail  has acquired a unique and extensive know-how in the technique used for producing Near InfraRed modulators - working from around 760 nm up to 1150 nm. 

Stable frequency laser are necessary to enable the precise control of the quantum systems. The Pound Drevel Hall technic is one solution. It corresponds to the stabilization of the wavelength / optical frequency of a laser source thanks to an absolute reference. This can be achieved using a phase modulator. Exail has developed a comprehensive serie of optimized Phase Modulators for implementing the PDH technique - the LN-0.1 serie . These modulators are adapted to work from DC up to 300 MHz.  

Multi-line laser enables access to multiple atomic transitions and fine-tuning of light parameters. The carrier and the first sideband of the  can be used as the cooling and re-pumping lines during magneto-optical trapping for instance. Dedicated phase and amplitude modulators are available for operating frequency and wavelength.

Generating frequency combs can be generated using a wide bandwidth phase modulators. Exail modulators exhibits a high electrical power handling and a low V π for multiple sidebands generation.

Generating pulses, with a few tens of ps width, is necessary for advanced atom cooling, manipulation, and quantum technologies where control and efficiency are critical. Exail offers high performance amplitude modulators. When coupled with Exail matching electronics, high quality pulses can be achieved showing a superior Exinction Ratio with rise&fall times as low as 10 ps and a precise control on the pulse .

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Polarizing Fibers

Exail Polarizing (PZ) fiber is designed so that only one state of polarization is guided along the fiber; any other state of polarization will be lost rapidly thus yielding a high built-in polarization extinction ratio.

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Why trust Exail advanced solutions for atom laser cooling?
