LiNbO3 phase modulators
Lithium niobate phase electro-optic modulators
Exail offers the most comprehensive range of commercial LiNbO3 phase modulators
Phase modulators, from low frequencies up to 40 GHz and for a broad range of wavelength windows including: 800 nm, 1060 nm, 1300 nm, 1550 nm and 2000 nm. When they are matched with the family of Exail RF drivers, these modulators serve all applications, from laboratory experiments to demanding industrial systems.

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From 760 nm to 2200 nm
Low frequencies to wide electro-optical bandwidth
High optical input power handling
Low Insertion Loss
High Polarization Extinction Ratio
Dedicated modulator per market
Laser frequency stabilization, Pound Drever Hall (PDH) technic
Frequency comb
Laser beam combining
Spectrum broadening