Exail header inertial naivgation for space

Gyroscopes for Satellites

Space-qualified 3-axis gyroscopes and IMU

Powering high-performance inertial navigation systems for space applications

Exail has designed and manufactured for 20 years the Astrix gyroscopes in partnership with Airbus Defence & Space. The Astrix gyroscopes, based on Exail FOG technology, is suitable for a large spectrum of space applications from Low Earth Orbit (LEO) to Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO) and even Lagrange points. They are designed to withstand the challenges of harsh and radiative space environments.

Astrix Series, space qualified inertial systems

Precision and reliability, from New Space to deep space

With more than 7 million hours in orbit and 20 years of experience, our gyroscopes have a strong reputation for performance and reliability in space environment. We provide fail-safe inertial solution for numerous space applications such as military and scientific satellites, global navigation satellites including Galileo, telecommunications and Earth observation satellites. Astrix gyroscopes can be used in all orbits (LEO, MEO and GEO) and also at Lagrange points and for interplanetary missions.


Exail gamme astrix ns

Astrix NS

Exail gamme astrix 200

Astrix 90

Exail gamme astrix 90

Astrix 200


100 x 100 x 100 mm

φ 263 mm x h 192 mm

Sensor φ 330 mm x h 280 mm and elec 150 mm x 145 mm x 295 mm


1.4 kg

4.5 kg

12.7 kg

Power consumption (EOL)


13.5 W

22.5 W


0.005 °/√h

< 0.005 °/√h

< 0.0001 °/√h

Bias stability over 1h (steady temperature)

< 0.005°/h

< 0.01 °/h

< 0.0005 °/h

Bias stability end of life (all effects included)

0.2 °/h

0.3 °/h

Scale factor stability after @ 3σ (all effect included)

< 200 ppm

300 ppm

30 ppm

Scale factor linearity @ 3σ

< 200 ppm

500 ppm

10 ppm

Measurement range (full performances)

60°/s qualified. Higher speed on demand

60°/s qualified. Higher speed on demand

60°/s qualified. Higher speed on demand

Start up time

< 1 s

< 3 s

< 3 s

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Astrix NS, a lightweight, performant, space qualified COTS gyroscope for New Space challenges

Exail has developed a dedicated gyroscope, Astrix NS, to address the new challenges of the space industry. It brings high-inertial performance and reliability in a compact design and at a competitive price.

This lightweight gyroscope provides an ARW at 0.005°/√h (standard performance) and down to 0.0025°/√h (high performance) together with an unrivalled scale factor stability below 200 ppm.

Astrix NS is ITAR free and compatible with missions in low Earth orbits and in geostationary orbit including electrical orbit rise through Van Allen radiation belt. It is also well-suited for constellations that require compact and competitive equipment that can be produced in volume and in a short lead time.


  • High-inertial performance (Fiber-Optic Gyroscope technology)
  • Produced in volume at a competitive price
  • Qualified for GEO 15-year and LEO 8-year space missions
  • Electronic components space qualified by Airbus Defence & Space

Astrix 200/120, world-ultimate inertial performance and high-reliability

Astrix 200 offers the best inertial performance in the world for civilian space applications: its ARW of 1.10-4 °/√h coupled with a very stable scale factor (< 30 ppm EOL) makes it unrivalled by any other gyroscope technology qualified for space. It has been selected by very demanding customers all around the world, including European Space Agency (ESA) for Aeolus, Sentinel 2, Solo and MTG programs.

Fully qualified for long lifetime and permanently ON missions, Astrix 200 is used in major and critical missions for science, military and Earth observation.

Exail produit astrix 90

Precise Attitude Control for Euclid powered by Astrix 200 Gyroscope

The Euclid space telescope's Attitude Control System (AOCS) relies on the high-precision Astrix 200 gyroscope to accurately estimate the space telescope inertial attitude evolution during its scientific operations. This combination ensures precise control and stability throughout the mission.

Astrix 200 for Pléiades: high resolution imaging satellites

The Pléiades satellites observe and take pictures of any part of Earth with a 50 cm resolution every day since December 2011. To reach this level of performances at that date, Pléiades satellites rely on a very sensitive optical detector and the Astrix 200 gyroscopes. Originally planned for a 5-year lifetime, the Astrix 200 on board Pléiades have been still working for more than 10 years.

Astrix 90, versatility and reliability

Astrix 90 is a high-performance and very reliable (high-rel EEE and opto-components) 3- axis fiber-optic gyroscops. It is particularly suited to GEO missions and telecom applications. Indeed, it is designed to continuously operate for 15 years in GEO missions and within radiation demanding environment.

On board +64 satellites, most of them for telecom applications, Astrix 90 provides high inertial performance for space navigation during orbit rise, attitude control and for recovery in case of major incident.

This gyroscope can also be used for deep space probes and accelerometers can be added to use Astrix 90 as an IMU.


Astrix 90-A for ExoMars

ExoMars mission is embarking an Astrix 90 for the navigation during the travel to Mars and to manage the very sensitive and difficult landing phase on Mars. Astrix 90 gyroscopes and accelerometers have been qualified for this very harsh environment and for the high speeds, accelerations and shocks of the landing phase.

The primary goal of the ExoMars mission is to address the question of whether life has ever existed on Mars and it includes the Rosalind Franklin rover.

Exail produit astrix 200

Astrix NS IMU - Inertial Measurement Unit

High Performance Compact IMU, bringing mobility in space

Spearhead of European sovereignty for inertial sensors, the Astrix NS IMU is the most cost-effective and compact IMU available on the market. It is suitable for LEO as well as GEO missions, and allows accurate positioning and navigation during interplanetary cruises, entry, descent, landing and docking. Designed to be provided in short lead times and high production volume, its ambition is to become the reference for New Space European Inertial Sensors.