Multi-missions Unmanned Surface Vehicles
USVs for defense & security applications
USVs for safe, quick & efficient MCM, Homeland Security, Critical Infrastructure Protection & REA missions
Multi-missions USVS
The INSPECTOR range of unmanned surface vehicles is operable for both remote operation and full autonomy. Equipped with a diverse array of sensors, effectors, and mission management software, these all-encompassing autonomous platforms provide a distinctive resolution for numerous naval duties, specifically in military, homeland security, hydrography, or oceanography tasks.
Wide range of payload
The USVs have been designed to facilitate the integration of various robotic and sensing devices. The platforms can deploy mine disposal systems, inspection robots, seafloor survey sensors, non-lethal weapons, coastal protection effectors, and intelligence sensors for operations at sea.
Compatible with Exail's MCM drone toolbox: UMIS, the INSPECTOR 125 USV allows fast and smooth deployment of different drones (MIDS, towed sonars, AUVs) thanks to optimised launch and recovery systems (LARS). Changing from one configuration to another takes less than six hours.
Main features
Sea proven design withstanding high sea states
Meet the needs of military and homeland security forces.
In compliance with STANAG and ANSSI - the French National Agency for Cyber Security recommendations
Easily configurable between AUV / towed sonar and MIDS configuration.
USV Inspector 90
A modular and configurable 9-meter-long multi-purpose autonomous USV, the INSPECTOR 90 is designed for operations in coastal or shoreline environments. Highly effective in harsh conditions, the INSPECTOR 90 offers superior manoeuvrability, ensuring a hassle-free user experience. With a 4m² deck surface, it can transport materials up to 600kg, configured according to the mission's requirements.
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USV Inspector 125
INSPECTOR 125 is a12.5 meter long, multi-purpose surface drone suitable for coastal and open sea maritime missions. It offers an excellent balance between speed, seakeeping and manoeuvrability. This solution is sea-proven, robust, unsinkable and mine blast resistant.
Cyber-secured for your safety, it can be deployed by sea, land or air. With its closed network architecture, the USV INSPECTOR 125 complies with the recommendations of ANSSI - the French National Agency for Cyber Security - and can navigate safely (OAS) and operate in contested environments, even when GNSS is denied.
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