5297 600 660 eca group equipped solid rocket on ariane 6

ECA Group Aerospace has been selected for its expertise in the areas of Mechanics and Tooling, as part of the scope of Ariane 6, the European Space Agency (ESA) program. ECA GROUP’s mission consists in designing and manufacturing two dedicated mechanical tooling allowing the assembly operation of the rear skirt and upper part on the main body of Ariane 6 booster.

ECA Group and ARIANEGROUP are currently working simultaneously on this project.

ECA Group is at this time focused on the phase of engineering the two mechanical means. ARIANEGROUP, in charge of developing and manufacturing Ariane 6 launch vehicle, is designing the rocket propulsion system with all the associated integration and logistics means specifically customized for the launcher.

ARIANE 6 program mission requirements

Built on its expertise in mechanical engineering, ECA Group made the right compromise between Mass, Rigidity and Very-High Precision and came up with the most appropriate proposal which addressed the need for a mechanical concept and motion control aligned with an accurate objective: Achieving a precision of plus or minus 2 mm for assembling the rear skirt and upper part of the main body of Ariane 6 booster.

While faced with the challenge of ever-evolving constraints, ECA Group Aerospace maintains its direction up to the next milestone of the Critical Design Review (CDR) set by the end of 2018.

Ariane 6 is a truly technical and collaborative challenge in terms of large-scale project management, concept development, industrial design and optimized manufacturing process within a strictly-to-be-followed time frame: For ECA Group to deliver the two ESRMeans by mid-2019 for ARIANEGROUP to assemble all the boosters and be on the starting blocks for the first test flight scheduled in 2020.

ECA Group designs and builds numerous assembly stations for various civil and defense aircraft programs, handles multiple major projects for space applications.

Ariane 6 is significant step forward with a major spatial customer. It further strengthens ECA Group’s competences in providing on-site integration projects, in managing complex industrial projects, delivering customized design solutions and mastering mechanical engineering of high-precision.

5298 950 1002 eca group esr means rear skirt for ariane 6


5299 1292 1026 eca group esr means upper part for ariane 6