A standard training solution
Hot pursuit is subject to the laws and local police procedures applicable, each country having respectively its own differences from another.
Adaptable to any regulation, with a country-localization of road signs & marks and traffic rules, the EF-EMERGENCY driving simulator is a solution providing a standard training program with canvas instructor orientations allowing to customize the course.
The EF-EMERGENCY Pursuit Driving Training Module allows to practice:
Number plate recognition
Suspect & its vehicle identification
Dangerousness evaluation
Conducting a pursuit
Abandoning decision
Techniques to end chases
A full training program: create a scenario - drive - interact - analyze
Using the Pursuit module of EF-EMERGENCY simulator, the instructor is able to create a pursuit scenario, interact with the trainee during the driving session as a driver himself and provide the suited debriefing report based on factual information provided by the simulator (such as speed and distance between vehicles, position on the road, driver position, traffic regulations violation, public safety distance and correct use of emergency lights and siren) associated with the instructor’s knowledge and experience.
Thanks to the high-fidelity of the vehicle simulation, the car driving recreates in a very realistic way the high-speed car behaviour (such as rapid deceleration, momentum of the car transfer, loss of adherence…) and allows to practice advanced vehicle control techniques (handbrake turn, vehicle blocking, etc.).
According to the purpose of the training, the instructor will evaluate driver’s overall ability: the driving skills but also the decision-making according to the situation and the need/dangerousness ratio.
Simulated driving, real training – as orchestrated by the instructor
Training on real vehicles allows to learn the vehicle driving dynamics, so does training by simulation thanks to its performant software. In addition, the simulator allows a direct interaction between the law enforcer, the fugitive driver and also the other road users in a completely safe way.
With the EF-EMERGENCY simulator and its Pursuit Driving Training Module, the instructor will provide the most realistic behaviour of these other actors: driving the escaping vehicle, deciding if and when to have a pedestrian or an animal crossing the road or a vehicle changing lane.
The trainee will practice unpredictable situations and learn to deal with the suspect's psychology as only real-life intervention allows to, without taking any risk.

About EF-Emergency
EF-EMERGENCY is a standard training solution on driving simulator dedicated to train first responders (firefighters, ambulance & police drivers). It can be customized with the integration of customer specific vehicles models but also localised with typical country road signs & marks, left or right-hand drive and language translation.