ECA Group's was awarded the supply of an EF-CAR simulator to equip the new digital hub structure acting as training centre for youth in difficulty.
The simulator will enable young people to learn how to drive in near-to-real conditions and support them in getting their driving licence, as a part of a youth dedicated social integration program.
This initative is supported by Departmental Council of Val d'Oise and the Ile-de-France region who engaged to facilitate the obtention of driving licences by supplying specific structures and equipment. The "Hub numérique Nikola Tesla" was thus looking for a performant car simulator to display in free access for students.
Aside from the system's performance and user-friendliness, the customers were satisfied with the capability of ECA GROUP to deliver in very short time a car simulator with a comprehensive driving training program.
The simulator was delivered in presence of Valérie Pécresse, president of Ile-de-France region and Marie-Christine Cavecchi, president of Val d'Oise department.
About EF-CAR simulator
ECA Group's car driving simulator EF-Car, is a training tool dedicated to road safety education and ecological awareness raising. With this simulator, students can learn how to anticipate and avoid any risky situation. EF-Car driving simulator integrates an innovative motion platform and software, to offer a complete driving training solution.
About the Hub numérique Nikola Tesla
About the Hub numérique Nikola Tesla
Co-financed by both the Departmental Council of Val d'Oise and the Ile-de-France region, this structure is dedicated to training and hosts a center of resources on the fiber optic and smart city businesses.
Among others, financial contributions to help young people under 26 years of age to access employment, notably through the financing of a training course or driving licence are available.