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ECA Group delivers a H300V ROV system for dam inspection in Eastern Europe

5153 3985 2199 eca group rov h300v bv5000 configuration

ECA Group was awarded an order from Technopole Company for a H300V ROV system which will be used by one of his clients for inspecting hydraulic dams in Eastern Europe. This order reinforces ECA Group's expertise and sales record for the inspection of hydro-electric dams and water cooled power plants.

Hydraulic dams require inspection, and use of ROVs do prevail nowadays: they indeed permit an on-going survey, thus avoiding the need for emptying the upstream reservoir.

Zones to be monitored and inspected are most frequently the dam wall itself, but also other specific parts like the spillway i.e. the structures (also called overflow channels) used to provide the controlled release of flows from the dam into the downstream area.

The ECA Group H300V ROV, with its 4 vectored horizontal thrusters, is particularly suited for this kind of application.

Specifically, the ROV incorporates a BV5000 imaging sonar system permitting 3D mapping of large areas within turbid waters, and a Kraken Seavision 3D laser imaging system which generates very high resolution 3D scans in full colour ; both sensors will be installed within the ROV’s frame so as to permit easy mounting and removal (plug & play). 

About ECA Group H300 V Remotely Operated Vehicle

H300-V is the latest modular architecture ROV developed by ECA Group. Its main missions are observation and inspection in harsh environments. A wide range of payload can be fitted on this remotely operated vehicle.

Powerful while portable and compact, H300V ROV it as equipped with 4 horizontal vectored thrusters, for an optimum stability. H300V can reach a speed of up to 3.5 knots and integrates in standard version one navigation B&W TV camera as well as one inspection colour zoom TV camera with optical zoom mounted on a genuine Pan & Tilt unit that can support up to 15 kg of payloads.

Combined with auto heading and auto depth functions, this ROV is capable to record videos and data under strong current at 300m depth.

About Technopole Company

Technopole Company is a Moscow-based distributor whose main domain of activities are un underwater works and tests, Hydrography and Oceanography.