ECA GROUP has partnered with several manufacturers to highlight how unmanned systems operate together to protect at-risk maritime sites, such as ports, sports competitions and marine protected areas, within the framework of a Request for an Expression of Interest (EOI) initiated by French Southern Region - Region Sud.
A consortium led by ECA GROUP
Imagining the innovations of today and tomorrow, ECA GROUP is at the forefront in the field of interoperable and integrated drone systems. Its 80 years of expertise in robotics and recognized know-how makes the company an important player in the robotics sector in the southern region of France. As the lead partner, ECA GROUP selected:
A-NSE, an expert in aerostat systems;
ATHANOR, specialized in maritime surveillance and tracking systems using AIS beacons;
CERBAIR, anti-drone solution manufacturer;
to combine their skills and capacity for innovation to jointly develop fundamental technological building blocks to facilitate decision making, with regards to the management of the multi-environment team of robots, sensors management, data collection and processing.
A sea trial to demonstrate the capability of the system to perform
ECA GROUP offers a range of multi-environment robots including a USV surface drone, a UAV aerial drone and AUV underwater drone, all able to operate interactively as a team and managed by a single command and control system, UMISOFT.
The aim of this recent expo was to demonstrate the ability of multiple drones to locate, identify and neutralize potential threats. These threats can be of all sizes and endanger maritime areas, harbours and sites of major sporting events such as the Olympic Games, sailing races and regattas.

Strong support from local and regional actors
The consortium is accompanied by the Mediterranean Sea Cluster (Pôle Mer Méditerranée) and its regional ecosystem, as well as the competitive clusters OPTITEC and Safe Cluster.
The programme is supported by the French Southern Region - Region Sud, within the framework of the Regional Interest Operation Drone-seastem protect: the first project resulting from the DroneSeastem programme of the "maritime drone" sector.