ECA Group cooperated with A.D.R.A.S.E.C(*) Senegal, the Senegalese Association, within the framework of SAR (Search and Rescue) missions involving the search of beacons in the event of an aircraft crash.
ECA Group provided its new ELiTe survival ELT, the only beacon with an embedded GPS capability, to be operative in the SAREX (Search and Rescue) Exercises conducted by ADRASEC Senegal in January 2018 and just recently in February by ADRASEC Ivory Cost
These real situation experimentations' objective is to coordinate, in an inter-ministerial context, the whole aerial and terrestrial Search And Rescue specialists and to validate operational concepts and methods.
In order to test their specific material’s compatibility with new navigation satellites positioning (GPS, GALILEO or BEIDOU), A.D.R.A.S.E.C. turned to ECA Group who committed to supply its new Emergency Locator Transmitter for the operational search and rescue exercises planned early this year.
The aim of these civil security missions is to work jointly with governmental institutions and to cooperate with local rescue coordination centers to localize people in distress thanks to beacons.
ECA Group’s Emergency Locator Transmitter ELiTe with its unique features proved its utmost reliability, efficiency and therefore contributed to the success of these Search and Rescue missions, fulfilling its mission as to protect, save human life and improve life conditions.
The ELT has been carried out from Lorient Aéronavale base to Dakar on a dedicated Falcon 50.
About ECA Group ELiTe - Emergency Locator Transmitter
Emergency Locator Transmitter ELiTe is an innovative patented concept with unique features enhancing reliability, cost-efficiency and safety.
"ELiTe" is aviation's first emergency locator transmitter (ELT) that integrates a GPS transmitter as well as an automatic water-activated system, ensuring the reliability of its activation and the localization of survivors of an aircraft in distress using the Cospas-Sarsat "Search and Rescue" system*.
ELiTe was granted COSPAS SARSAT type approval both Automatic Fixed and Survival applications.
(*) Association départementale des radioamateurs au service de la sécurité civile
ADRASEC Senegal brings together experts assigned to conducting search and rescue operations, helping people in the shortest possible time and providing assistance.