Exail and Kongsberg Discovery achieve full compatibility for Long Baseline positioning solutions, enhancing underwater operations

Exail and Kongsberg Discovery are pleased to announce their successful collaboration in the field of Long Baseline (LBL) subsea positioning solutions. Since June 2023, Kongsberg cPAP LBL transceiver and Exail Ramses LBL transceiver have achieved full compatibility, marking a significant milestone in the LBL positioning industry. This advancement empowers customers with enhanced capabilities to optimize underwater operations and achieve unparalleled precision in navigation.
This new compatibility, which involves Exail’s Ramses system directly controlling Kongsberg’s cPAP transceiver, enables the seamless integration of both devices on the same subsea vehicle. This achievement unlocks advanced LBL capabilities, offering substantial benefits to customers who are already utilizing Kongsberg’s HiPAP and cNODE transponders. They can now incorporate Exail’s Inertial Navigation System (INS) technology into their sparse-LBL or LBL operations, allowing any vehicle equipped with the Exail INS system to navigate within an array of cNODE transponders. This significantly enhances flexibility in offshore operations, with particular relevance to the oil and gas sector, where LBL positioning is widely employed.
“Through extensive engineering integration efforts, the Exail and Kongsberg Discovery teams have successfully partnered to enable smooth data exchange between their systems, unlocking cost saving operational flexibility.” said Pierre-Yves Morvan, Business Development Manager at Exail. “This compatibility achievement underscores the expertise and dedication of both companies in advancing technology for the benefit of our customers”.
Looking ahead, Exail and Kongsberg Discovery are actively exploring further collaborative opportunities. Their combined efforts aim to introduce advanced functionalities and innovative solutions to the LBL positioning market, providing customers with improved capabilities and efficiency in their underwater operations.