Exail awarded LLNL contract to deliver front-end laser seeders for the Jupiter Laser Facility

Exail news jupiter laser facility 2025

Inside Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory's Jupiter Laser Facility / Photo by J. McBride/LLNL

Exail announces the signing of a contract with Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL / California, US) to provide several ModBox-FE as a sub-nanosecond pulse generation system to equip the Jupiter Laser Facility (JLF). This is the 60th ModBox Front-End system to be delivered by Exail to enhance the temporal pulse shaping performance of high-energy laser facilities worldwide.

“With the ModBox FE, users of the JLF will be able to generate laser pulses with any kind of temporal shape." said Yves Deiss, NORAM Photonics Sales Director at Exail. “Exail’s ModBox-FE will offer accurate control of the sub-ns pulse shapes with high vertical resolution. It is a crucial seeder to optimize the performance of a high-energy laser facility to ensure the generation of repeatable and reliable Near-Infra-Red optical pulses."

The Jupiter Laser Facility is a mid-scale laser facility located at LLNL and part of LaserNetUS, a consortium of high-power laser facilities around North America. It aims to offer flexible laser, target and diagnostic configurations, and hands-on access for development of new science ideas. JLF hosts three targets area, combining kilojoule-class long pulses and short pulses, that will all be equipped with Exail state-of-the-art integrated solutions, pushing further the flexibility of the installations.

JLF has been supporting the development of many new science ideas since 1974, including diagnostic developments for the National Ignition Facility (NIF), other LLNL’s flagship facility. Driving matter through extreme states of compression is done with laser pulse shaping, where Exail’s ModBox-FE and ModBox-SB (ModBox Spectral Broadening) offer state-of-the-art performance.

    Exail modbox systems

    Exail Modbox front-end is a turnkey system ideal for sub-nanosecond resolution laser pulse shaping, based on unique in-house technologies such as lithium niobate (LiNbO3) electro-optical modulators.