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Autonomous Underwater Vehicle for Mine Countermeasures

Naval operations demand precision, safety, and efficiency, especially in facing underwater threats like mines. The A18-M is the latest mid-size Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) developed by Exail to meet the challenging requirements of underwater Mine Countermeasure missions (MCM). It is the perfect AUV for navies who are looking for the best compromise between size, weight and performance.

Exail produit a18 m


  • Easy deployment in high sea states through innovative Launch And Recovery System (LARS)
  • ISO container transportation: Easy deployment for overseas missions
  • Extended coverage and endurance capacities of up to 24h at 3kts
  • User-friendly mission management system
  • STANAG 1364 compliant
  • High resolution imagery with its Synthetic Aperture Sonar (SAS) and multi sensor capability
  • Operation flexibility from Inspector 125 USV, MCM Ship, non-dedicated ship or from shore

Increasing MCM operations efficiency

The A18-M is an unmanned underwater drone for long-endurance missions, capable of operating for up to 24 hours and covering very large areas of 20 to 40 km 2.  Dedicated to mine detection and classification, the AUV enhances MCM operations efficiency,  while keeping crew and vessels out of the danger zone.

Swift and precise environmental assessment

The advanced embedded modules of the A18-M AUV allow for on-board processing of raw sonar image data. Upon resurfacing, the AUV can transmit the pre-processed data to the command center to aid decision-making, saving critical mission time. From there, parallel drone missions can be managed to reduce the mission's duration.

Gathering high-resolution imagery for optimum mine detection

Thanks to its unique 3D navigation accuracy, outstanding data can be gathered from different sensors in a single survey. Internal synchronization allows all sensors to work together, providing precise, localized, high-quality data, especially on shadows, for fast object detection.

With superior stability, this Autonomous Underwater Vehicle is less affected by waves than surface vessels or towed systems, enabling unparalleled environmental data acquisition.

The A18-M AUV adapts its operating depth down to 300 m to avoid blind zones caused by sound velocity stratification and provide a complete and clear sonar view of the seafloor.

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Benefitting from advanced sonar technology for rapid mine detection: Umisas

The multi-sensor capability of the mid-size AUV allows for thorough data collection, precise detection and classification of underwater mines, ensuring reliable threat assessment.

The A18-M AUV is able to host high-performance sonar payloads to provide unprecedented imagery. It is equipped with an Exail patent  Synthetic Aperture Sonar (SAS) called Umisas for high-resolution imagery and optionally , or can embed a Volume Search Sonar (VSS). This interferometric synthetic aperture sonar (InSAS) offers a spatial resolution of 3cm x 3cm to best classify small and irregularly shaped objects.

A18-M, an essential component of the UMIS MCM toolbox

When integrated into Exail's unmanned system for mine countermeasures, UMIS (Unmanned MCM Integrated System), the A18-M AUV can collaborate with other surface or underwater drone systems through a unified control and command system, leading to shorter mission durations and heightened efficiency.

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  • Photo credits:  © Balao

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