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Unmanned MCM Integrated System

Exail is at the forefront of cutting-edge technology in stand-off mine countermeasures (MCM), delivering a revolutionary and comprehensive solution to the persistent threat of underwater mines. Drawing on extensive expertise in robotic systems and state-of-the-art technology, Exail revolutionizes the concept of mine clearance operations at sea by keeping crews out of the danger zone.
How to enhance your MCM capabilities

Unveiling Exail's Stand-off Mine Countermeasures (MCM) Solution

Exail's stand-off mine countermeasures solution, UMIS (Unmanned MCM Integrated System), represents a paradigm shift in addressing the threat of underwater mines. This drone-based system allows managing all the MCM mission process from a safe spot.

  • Faster: Seamless management of heterogeneous robotic assets in user-friendly mission management & planning software
  • More efficient: Enhanced operational efficiency by reducing operational down time and offering wide coverage capabilities
  • Safe: Minimizing risks to fleets & ensuring crew safety
  • A scalable & transportable solution
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UMIS - Stand-off MCM capability components

Exail's unmanned surface vehicles (USVs) serve as the leading agents in mine countermeasures operations. They feature advanced sensors and high-precision navigation systems. With unparalleled manoeuvrability, these vessels enter the minefield to launch and recover a variety of underwater drones thanks to their dedicated LARS (Launch and Recovery Systems). The deployed assets rapidly detect, identify, and neutralize mines from a safe distance.

Mine Identification and Disposal Remotely Operated Vehicles (MIDS ROVs)

The integration of ROVs allows for intricate and precise interventions from a safe stand-off sport during MCM operations. These robotic systems delve into the depths with precision, executing delicate tasks such as mine identification, classification, and neutralization.

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Exail auv a18 m underwater mine5

Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs)

Exail's autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) support the MCM solution by conducting thorough, systematic surveys of expansive underwater regions. Their state-of-the-art technology, facilitates extensive data gathering without triggering the smartest mines and assists in the effective planning and execution of subsequent MCM operations.

Towed Sonars

Exail also developed its own self-powered towed interferometric synthetic aperture sonar (SAS) for Real Time Detection, Classification and Mapping (SCM) of seabed and moored mines. This towed sonar offers superior capability for mine warfare operations.

Exail t18 m towed sonar

Mission Management System

UMISOFTTM is the Mission Management System (MMS). It is a complete, integrated, open architecture and interoperable software suite used to control all phases of MCM missions.